New York Supreme Court

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Maya climbed into Riley's room carrying flowers. Maya entered the same time Riley opened her bedroom door. Riley, was relieved and happy. For, finally seeing Maya since she left.

"Maya, where have you been? I been so worried! Do you have any idea how I felt when you left without telling any of us where you went!" Riley yelled angrily. Maya set the flowers down in the bay window, and walked towards Riley and grabbed her shirt and yanked her forward causing Riley to let out an audible gasp of shock and her eyes to fly open as Maya stood up on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to hers in a passionate kiss. Riley instantly wrapped her arms around Maya's neck and Maya wrapped her arms around Riley's waist. They finally stopped kissing and leaned each other forehead together. Riley opened her eyes and smiled.

"I'm so sorry, I left you without telling you where I was. You have every right to be mad at me. I been not just a jerk to you but to everyone else. All of you were trying to help me. Especially, you Riley. I'm sorry I didn't let you help me. But thanks to someone they helped me realize that it's not my fault. Riley, you were always fantasizing. About meeting your Prince Charming. And I was happy being your best friend. It wasn't until we kissed that I realized why. I've been in love with you since the day we met." Maya said with her charming smile that always melt Riley heart.

"I forgive you. Just promise me you'll never do that again, Maya. Remember, were a team and where always their for each other." Riley said with a smile as the two held hands. "I promise, Riles." Maya replied with a smile as she stared at Riley lips which Riley saw and laughed.

Riley finally just gives into her wants and emotions, capturing Maya's lips in a hot passionate kiss that only got hotter the longer it went on and before Maya knew what happened Riley pushed her down on the bed and their passionate kiss turned into a full on make out session. Maya pulled away from the kiss.

"I love you, Riley Matthews." Maya said as she looked at Riley with so much love, "I love you too, Maya Hart." Riley responded

It's been one month since Maya has returned to New York. It was now time for Maya and Riley to face The Supreme Court  to get their permission for marriage since Riley is underage. But for Maya she only needs to have her parents signature which she had done already before her father death. It was now their turn to see the judge and they were beyond nervous.

When Maya and Riley walk inside the court room they sawtheir friends, family, and a surprise visitor that they didn't expect to see. Maya smiled when she saw the unexpected visitor.

"Maya!" Scott said as he ran and hugged Maya tightly. "Scotty! What are you doing here?" Maya asked surprised to see him here. "I'm here to help you out and because I'm now living in the New York orphanage. Mrs. Matthews made it happen for me to move in New York orphanage. Now we get to hang out whenever we want!" Scott said excitedly. Maya picked up Scott and hugged Riley as she looked at both Scott and Riley with a smile.

"My favorite person in the world and my fiancé. I'm glad to have you in my life."
Maya said smiling at both Scott and Riley.

Scott smiled that he is Maya favorite person while Riley playfully rolled her eyes and was but reminded when her dad basically said the same thing to Shawn and her mom in Christmas.

As, everyone was getting settled in the courtroom. They heard the door open and saw the judge enter the room and sit on his seat. He then slammed his hammer calling Court in session.

"Now this court was called for Maya Hart and Riley Matthews who need permission of the court to get married. Now, Ms. Maya Hart who is seventeen has a consent of both her parents approving of the engagement. But, Ms. Riley Matthews who is fifteen needs my permission for them to get married. So, Mrs. Matthews why should I give Ms. Riley Matthews. Your daughter permission to get married and not wait till she's older." The judge said to Topanga.

Topanga looked at Maya and Riley who were worried but one look from Topanga calmed them down and knew that everything will work out in the end.

Your honor I known Maya since she was a kid and I watched as their friendship grew. They became best friends, sisters and then they finally realized their true feelings for each other! Honor, I know their young to get married but the love that they have for each other is a love that's unbreakable. THE has been through obstacles together and it's made their relationship even stronger. Maya will do anything to protect Riley. She even took a bullet for my daughter. They bring out their best in each other." Topanga said to the judge who looked at both Riley and Maya.

"Your honor. My names, Cory Matthews. I'm Riley father. Look, we support the engagement and we have all the confidence that it will work out. Just look at them. They can trust each other and complete each not to mention like my wife said they bring the best out of each other. There always their for each other and they never leave each other no matter if the situation is silly." Cory said as stood up from his seat. The judge stared skeptically at them.

As the judge was about to speak he was interrupted. "Let Riley and Maya get married, sir." Scott said as he stood up with a determined look. Everyone was shocked from Scott outburst.

Scott opened the gate and stood beside Maya who was shocked what Scott was doing right now.

"Scott! What are you doing?" Maya whispered to Scott who ignored Maya and looked at the judge.

"My names Scott. I'm eight years old and from Austin, Texas. I only known Maya and Riley for a few months but I know those two belong together. Maya told me the story of her and Riley and how they met and what they overcome. Hearing their story made me realize a eight year old boy that their love is not only special but their soulmates! Maya told me what a soulmate is and they fit the definition of soulmates. So, let them get married. They make each other happy and I wanna see Maya and Riley who I see as family get married and be right there. Beside Maya when it happens." Scott says which shocks everyone in the court room.

Maya and Riley both get up and hug Scott who returns the hug immediately. "Scott, thanks for standing up for us. But you didn't have to do that." Maya said sincere with Riley nodding in agreement.

"I know but I felt it was the right thing to do. I want you the two of you to be happy. I always felt that I would never know the love of a family but now I do. Because meeting all of you. Have made me realize I now have a family who I couldn't be happier to have and I'm glad you and Riley are my family." Scott says with a smile. Everyone even the judge smiled at Scott speech.

Maya then stood up and looked at the judge with a determined look.

"Okay, you heard Mr. Matthews and Mrs.Matthews along with Scott on why Riley and I should get married but you haven't heard mine." Maya to the judge nodded for Maya to continue.

"She's my girlfriend. She sometimes gets mad but I know she's just worried. We tell each other how we feel all the time so we don't forget how much we mean to each other. When we beg into arguments, I go to sleep sick to my stomach and stay that way until we make up. She's the only one that makes everything better. She's the only one that makes my heart beat rapidly. She's the one who showed me hope isn't for suckers! That's why I believe you'll say yes because I have hope. That even though we're young you can see that we deeply love each other and will overcome any obstacles thrown at us!" Maya said.
Next chapter 
Court decision
Scott will be a semi character
I will not update tomorrow for I'm going out with my friends to celebrate my birthday early
I'll try to update as much as I can today
What did y'all think of GM sweet sixteen
I cried in the ending it was sad can't believe next Friday is the last GMW episode 😭😭😭

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