Stay With Me

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Riley sat in the hospital waiting room staring at the double doors leading to the emergency care rooms. When Riley was in the ambulance she called her parents and told them what happened. They went to pick her friends who were still in Central Park and are now on their way to the hospital.

Riley and Chai have not spoken a word to each other since they arrived. For, all the two girls can think about is Maya and how she basically sacrificed her life for Riley.

Her parents, Auggie, Shawn, Katy, Farkle, Lucas, Zay, and Smackle finally arrived to the hospital and saw Riley and Chai in the waiting room. They sat in the waiting room various conversations amongst themselves. Hoping that Maya will be alright.

After what seemed like an eternity a doctor in scrubs emerged from the doors. He removed his face mask as he approached. "Maya Hart's family?" The doctor said. Once, they heard Maya's name everyone stood up.

"We're Maya's parents," Shawn said holding Katy close. "Is she okay?" Katy asked with tears.

"It was close. The bullet punctured her right lung. An inch higher and it would have hit her pulmonary artery. All things considering she was very lucky." The doctor said.

Everyone let out a breath of relief, "Doctor Jenson, when can we see Maya?" Both Katy and Shawn asked.

"She's stabilized now and in recovery. Due to the collapsed lung she's having trouble breathing on her own and we're keeping her sedated. She won't know you're there, but if you follow me you can come see her now." Riley started following Shawn and Katy. "Sorry, family only right now." Doctor Jenson said preventing Riley from seeing Maya.

"She is family." Katy said as she held Riley's hand. Riley gave her a sincere smile as the three of them followed the doctor to Maya's room.

The world stops as Riley hears the door close behind them, and sees Maya laying unconscious in the hospital bed, hooked up to various machines. She had a tube going down her throat. A heart monitor was so quiet and yet so loud to Riley's ears as she heard it slowly beeping.

"I . . . I can't . . . I don't want to look at Maya-" Riley said as tears fell from her eyes. "Maya -" Shawn says as he sees his daughter unconscious in the hospital bed.

Riley turns to leave, but the door slams in her face as Shawn forces her hand against it making it snap shut. Riley, head shot to her friend. "Uncle Shawn-" Riley says.

"Maya never left you in your time of need. Just like you never leave Maya in her time of need ?" Shawn said sincerely.

"Uncle Shawn, let me go." Riley begs, trying to leave once again. Shawn steps in front of Riley and soon wraps his arms around her.

"Riley," Shawn says. "It's okay . . . She's going to be okay. She'd hate for you to not be here, and so you're not gonna bail on her. The two of you have never bailed on each other and you're not going to do that." Now his voice is dripping with seriousness. "She loves you, Riley. She's your best friend. You're her best friend, and it's not your fault. Stay." Shawn pulls back from her niece. "Stay . . ." He hesitates before Shawn and Katy left Riley in the room alone with Maya. Riley turns around slowly and looks at Maya. The love of her life.

Riley takes a seat next to Maya's bed and holds Maya hand. "Peaches, you can't leave me! I don't want to imagine my life without you in it. Remember, when you decided that you wanted to end our friendship. Remember, what I told you. If this is my world now, the first person I want in it is you. Maya, I need you. Your the only person who believes in me. No matter how the situation looks like. Your always their for me in the good and bad times. No one understands me like the way you do! You're the only one who stuck by me in the first day of high school because you believed in me when nobody else did." Riley begs and pleads are loud and her voice is racked with heartbreaking sobs. She grasps onto Maya's lifeless hand tightly."My home isn't my safe place. My safe place is you. It will always be you. Your my extraordinary relationship! Stay with me.

The heart monitor beeping slowly stopped just like Riley's world in that moment. The beeping stopped. Pretty soon, Riley saw doctor's rushing in and Riley was pushed out of the room.

"What happened?!" Shawn and Katy yell at the same time. Riley turns, tears down her cheeks and her eyes red.

"I . . . I lost her! I lost her!" Riley cries out. Shawn and Katy sit slowly with tear filled eyes and a blank expression. Topanga and Cory held Auggie, who doesn't know what's happening. Chai, Farkle, Zay, Smackle, and Lucas couldn't believe that they lost Maya. Shawn sits down in the chair beside his wife and puts his face in his hands and just lets out harsh sobs. Chai hugs Riley, but Riley jerks back.

"It's my fault!" Chai wrap her arms around Riley, forcing back her own tears. Riley lets her fists slowly and softly hit Chai back, as if trying to break from the embrace. "I lost Maya! It's my fault, Chai! It's my fault! I lost her!" Riley's sobs are the loudest of the family's, Shawn and Katy almost as loud, Chai, Farkle, Zay, Smackle, and Lucas all hug Riley. For, none of them could believe they lost one of their friends. Maya sacrificed her life for Riley.

Next chapter will be updated today or tomorrow.
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