April 10, 1996

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The next morning I woke long before Sydney. After spending a fair amount of time laying next to her supple sleeping body, surrounded in the warmth we'd continued to make most of the night under those soft blankets, I finally decided to get up. My head was swimming with images of everything from the night before. From the soft expression that covered her delicate features as I told her about everything that had happened that morning. The way her eyes tried and failed to hide her anger at the words I'd been delivered by the lips of my "wife".  The slightest nervous tone to her voice when she offered me advice she wasn't sure she had the right to. She had handled all of that with such grace, it felt as though she handled me as if she was afraid I would break into pieces in her small hands.  I cast a final glance over her flushed sleeping body before pulling on a pair of black boxers And wandering into the living room, our piece of apple pie still on the coffee table, the can of whipped cream laying haphazardly next to the plate. Trailing my hand over the back of the couch as I walked past it I was instantly reminded of her speechless, unreadable expression when I told her I'd wished it was her not Mayte possibly holding a piece of me.

The sound of my deep breath echoed in my ears as that moment replayed over and over again in my mind. Digging through the kitchen cupboards until I found the white folded down bag of ground coffee, I needed to wake up more, to really think this through. I'd never meant to utter those words out loud. Those were words that had rolled through my head on far more than one occasion, starting with the night I'd held the receiver in my trembling hand and told her I'd gotten married. I was beyond afraid she would walk away from me right then and there ... and she almost did. Thoughtlessly dumping scoop after scoop of dark grounds into the stiff gold filter before adding the corresponding amount of water and finally pressing the little blue button on the dark colored machine.

I'd been so unsure of my plan to visit, leaning back against the counter as I waited on the brew, and the look on her face when she'd first seen me standing in her living room. She was going for mad, but anyone could see all the hurt that ran through her eyes that day. Hurt that I had caused, however inadvertently. And now this. Dragging my hand down over my worried face before my eyes shifted to the wall we had been pressed up against last night.

"God damnit." Words mumbled under my breath to the empty space as the events of last night ran on an endless loop. The movie that played out in my minds eye was one of lust and desire: her sweaty body wrapped around mine as my hips rammed against her pelvis over and over in a sharp rhythm. It had been a mistake, every time I felt myself slipping into her wet core with nothing between my engorged skin and her heat, but I couldn't get enough of her velvet grip clenching around me. The sheer thought of being buried deep in her tight, wet walls sent a chill down the exposed skin of my chest, causing a twitch in my boxers. The last thing I wanted was for her to think last night had been on purpose. But my actions mixed with the words that I uttered not long before I had her wrapped around me ... the entire situation brought a lump to my throat that was nearly impossible to swallow.

"Do I wanna know why you have a hard on from staring at my wall?" Sydney's arms slipped around my waist as she came around to stand in front of me, wearing only the fluffy white sweater I had been wearing yesterday. Biting my bottom lip as he bare thigh brushed against my cotton covered length.

"I was just thinking," Resting my arms on her shoulders, pulling her hair back slightly, exposing her upper neck, "about last night." Her kind eyes never once faltering as she gave me a knowing nod and a lopsided grin. "Sydney, I didn't intend..."

"Don't." Her hand laying flat against the dip in my back, giving a firm press as if to emphasize her words. "We were both caught up and we didn't intend for that to happen," my eyes shifting down to watch her pink tongue snake out, quickly wetting her bottom lip, "but you felt amazing. Every bit of you. And if the situation was different.."

"Please." Her eyes shifted quickly down to my chest, her pale pink bottom lip disappearing between her teeth as she nervously chewed. "The situation isn't different," tipping her chin up with my index finger, the pad of my thumb pulling her lip free from the soft grip of her nervous teeth, "and I don't want to waste time on those what if's." Her eyes cautiously coming back up to mine, with out even the slightest hint of worry or concern. "I want you to know it wasn't on purpose," resting the pad of my thumb over her soft lips the second that parted to speak, "and whatever comes of last night, we will handle it together." Her only response, a questioning smile and the high arch of her left eyebrow.

"We'll be more careful." Words whispered as if they were just a required part of this conversation, before her lips pressed firmly against mine. Her hands trailing up the sensitive line of my back and over my shoulder blades before her talented fingers found their way into my sleep messed hair. Our tongues each invading the others space as my hands found their perfect hold on the right curve of her bare ass which peeked just out from underneath my sweater. An unexpected moan rumbled through my chest as her soft body shifted against my now painfully hard cock.

"Sydney..." her name a lust filled moan mumbled against her lips.

"We should go shower." Her soft smirk suggesting she had more than bathing in mind.

"No." walking her back until her ass hit the cupboards on the other side of the kitchen. "I want breakfast," pulling my sweater off over her head, letting it drop to the floor as I kissed my way down her warm torso to my destination, "and it's already wet." Punctuating my words with a kiss at the top of her clef.

"Prince." Her tone urgent as her hands tipped my face up to look at her. "I should really go shower after last night." The brightest shade of pink crept up her neck to her cheeks, getting slightly deeper the longer she held my gaze. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of my shy Sydney, blushing a deep pink just as I'd imagined her all those nights we chatted.

"No mama." Quick pecks landing on each of her round hips before dropping a soft row of kisses leading towards her core, never breaking her gaze. "I wanna taste us." Her pink lips fell open and a loud gasp filled the room as my tongue met with the sweet taste of her wet center.  The taste of lust. The taste of hope. The taste of love.

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