Chapter five

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Another day... I'm so nervous about this. It's so early and Sam isn't here yet. I literally just walked in and sat down at the booth we sat in yesterday. Justin thinks I'm with Cara, I hope he doesn't see me today. I don't want him finding out that way. It would crush him.

Not that I care...

Yes I do.

I sent Sam a text telling him I made it to the Coffee shop and asked when he would get here. He replies back immediately with a picture of me sitting down in the booth.

I look up finding him smiling at me through the window. God, he is adorable.

"Hey, sorry I'm a little late." He says walking in with a rose in his hand.

"For you." He says handing me the rose with a smile.

Oh my god.

"Sam, thank you that's so sweet." I put my nose up to the petals and smile at the scent. I couldn't stop smiling. I'm pretty sure my cheeks matched the roses hue.

"You look beautiful." He replies as he sat across from me.

"Thank you." I say still smiling. If I smile a bit harder I think my cheeks will be stuck like this.

"Are you hungry?" He asks with a smile as he looks down at the menu.

"Why is that even a question?" I laugh.

"I'll take that as a yes." He laughs with me. The waitress makes her way to our table and greets the two of us.

"What can I get you two to drink?" She smiles.

"I'll have a coffee and for you?" He points over to me licking his lips. I look up at him still smiling.

"I'll have a coffee with three sugars and two creams." I say.

"And what to eat?" She asks as she wrote down our coffee orders.

I decided to go first. "I'll have hash browns with scrambled eggs and bacon and a side of grits please." I say handing her the menu.

"And for you sir?" She asks.

"I'll have scrambled eggs with bacon and pancakes and a side of grits as well, but with cheese in them." He says completing his order.

"Coming up. I'll go ahead and get you your coffee." She says leaving us alone.

I look up finding Sam smirking at me.

"So, did you ever find out if your schedule was clear?"

"Actually, I don't have to work today, but I do have to get home before dark. I have to watch my baby brother for my mom. She is going out tonight." I reply with a lie.

"Oh, okay. We have all day so no worries." He says politely.

"Okay." I blush and look out of the window of the shop.

"Your coffee." The waitress says placing our hot coffees in front of us.

"Thank you." I say blowing on it to cool it off. As I was looking at Sam across from me, I was thinking of so many dirty things that I wanted to do to him. He didn't know that, but I couldn't help myself.

"How does it taste?" He asks raising a brow.

"Sweet, but not too sweet. It's just right for me." I reply.

"Hm, mind if I have a taste?"

"Sure." He grabs my mug and sips on it lightly.

I was hoping he would taste the coffee off of my lips, but that would be way too fast. I'm so inappropriate.

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