Chapter twenty-five

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I sit down next to Christina's bedside as she lays asleep. The doctors cleared her and she was stable for now, but I just hope that doesn't happen again. It really scared me.

I saw Joanna and she seems to be doing fine. She's doing no better than Chris, but I'm just glad she is okay and hanging on. I'm so thankful that god didn't take them from me. It can happen in a matter of seconds.

I'm praying so hard for them both to get well and push through this. I will never leave their side. Never.

I grab ahold of Chris's hand and notice she moved her thumb.

"Chris." I say getting a bit closer.

She was waking up.

"Chris, I'm right here. It's me."

Her eyes slowly open as she becomes conscious.

She looks into my eyes and her lips smile.

"Justin? Where am I?" She asks cluelessly.

"You're in the hospital." I explain as I rub the top of her head gently.

"What happened?"

"You guys got into a car accident. Sam's car flipped into a ditch. Scooter called me and as soon as I found out, I came here for you and Jo."

Her eyes widen in fear. "Oh my god, Jo, is she okay?"

"She's fine, you both are fine."

She sighs in relief.

"What about Sam, is he okay?" She asks looking into my eyes with a tear rolling down her cheek.

"Yeah, he's fine."

"I had a crazy dream. Christina says sitting up.

"What was it about?" I ask curiously.

"It was about the day we met. You didn't even know me, I tried to convince you that you and I had a baby together and you thought I was crazy. My scar was gone and everything was a nightmare and you and I never happened."

"Wow, that is scary, but it was just a dream. The anesthetics usually make people dream some weird stuff." I explain.

"I'm so glad it was just a dream, it felt so real." She says.

"I could only imagine."

The door to the room swings open and interrupts our conversation. Christina's parents walk in finding us both.

"Oh my god. My baby." Mrs.Benson says running over to Christina and hugging her gently.

"Hey mom, hey dad." She forces out.

"I'm so glad you are okay. Joanna is doing just fine and so is Sam. We just came from Sam's room. He told me what happened."

"I don't remember much, but I remember a little bit and then everything else was a blur." Chris says biting her lip.

"What do you remember?" Her dad asks.

"All I remember was Sam and I talking and we looked into each other's eyes for a split second and everything went black from there."

Her mom was speechless.

"Are you sure? That's not what Sam told us."

I could feel the rage burning inside of me. Chris was confused out of her mind.

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