Chapter twenty-six

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What is happening? I don't understand, she was just fine and then she flatlined and came back not knowing who anyone was. Not even her own parents...the worst part is, she doesn't remember her own daughter. We are waiting on the best neurologist in the hospital to come take a look at her and then he will let us know what is going on. I hope this isn't permanent because I just got her back... I can't lost her again.

"Has she gotten any better?" I ask as Mrs. Benson comes out of the room with Christina."

"I'm afraid not dear." She replies wiping a tear away that sneaked out from her eye.

Why couldn't this happen to Sam instead of Chris? I know I shouldn't wish anything like this on someone, but damn it... Why her?

I've tried almost everything to get her to remember me, but nothing has worked.

I'm going to show her some pictures of us together and maybe that will help, but I am going to wait until after we talk to the doctor.

"Do you think she is going to be okay?" I ask gulping with anxiety overwhelming my thoughts.

"I hope so, I really hope so."

"Mrs. Benson, I don't know if you saw Chris and I before she lost her memory, but... I just need to know if she really wants me back. We kissed and it seemed like everything was slowly falling back into place and then this happened." I'm trying my best not to cry.

"Justin, Christina loves you, she always has and always will." She replies as she places her hand on top of mine to comfort me.

"I love her more than anyone can imagine. I know I've done some things that hurt her, but I can only learn from it and never make the same mistakes again. She is my everything and I can't lose her."

"The only thing you can do right now is pray. She will push through, and in the end, she is going to be yours, I know it." Mrs. Benson says with a slight smile.

"Thank you, I needed to hear that." I reach over to share a hug with her. That was something we both needed right now.

"Mr.Bieber, Mrs. Benson, it's a pleasure to meet you both. I am Dr. Kent, I'll be taking care of Christina from further on." I shake his hand as he greets us with a slight grin.

"It's nice to meet you sir, so can you tell us what's going on with her? She was fine whenever she first woke up, but her heart stopped and when she woke up after they cleared her she didn't remember anything at all... not me or even her parents." I explain.

"I'm about to go in and take a look at her and I'm  going to take her up for a brain scan to see if there are any brain bleeds or damage to her brain cells. It is likely for anyone who is in a car crash that takes a blow to the head to have a case of amnesia. They may not remember the crash or anything before, but it is very unlikely for someone to not remember loved ones or anyone at all unless they have a case of Alzheimer's, which I am more than positive she doesn't have."

"Okay, thank you doctor." Mrs. Benson replies.

We both follow behind Dr.Kent into the room where Christina and her dad were.

"Hello Christina, I'm Dr. Kent, how are you feeling?"

Christina knits her eyebrows together in confusion.

"Why am I here, I--I don't remember anything." I could see the fear in her eyes.

"It's okay, you were in a car accident and you were brought back to the hospital." He explains.

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