Chapter nine

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I'm so nervous, usually I wouldn't be, but I always get this anxious feeling every time I go on stage for award shows. I got booed a couple of times and it just humiliates the living shit out of me. A lot of things have changed since then, but some people can be assholes.

The show has started and I don't even know how I'm suppose to make my move with Christina. Every single time I compliment her or even look at her, she gives me the cold shoulder. What if I get caught up in the moment when they call my name for winning a Grammy and I just kiss her? She wouldn't like that at all, I know that. I want to make this night a good night. I asked Christina to come because I know no matter what, she will always support me and be happy for me even if I did hurt her. That's what I love about her. She's so caring.

Her hand is right beside mine, and it's taking me all I have not to grab it. I want to so badly. The worst that she can do is snatch her hand away. Fuck it, I'm just going to do it. I have fucking balls so I'm going to use them.

Okay. She is smiling so I'm gonna slowly slide my hand towards hers. Almost there... and...

I can't do it. Fuck. What is wrong with me.

"Are you okay Justin?" She whispers as she notices I was staring down at her hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just... zoned out for a minute."

I'm such a pussy.

"You look constipated." She laughs.

"Shut up and watch the show." I roll my eyes playfully. Her fist planted into my arm. It didn't hurt, but that was her way of defending herself.

I swear, she's so cute.

"Hey hey hey, no hitting the Bieber." James Corden says from onstage. He was hosting and I already knew he was going to point me out one way or another.

The crowd laughs at his little joke and resumes with the show.

Christina was so insecure after being called out. She doesn't like attention. Her face got so red. I'm use to it so it doesn't bother me.

"You okay?" I ask with a slight smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She replies with no emotion on her face.

"Constipated?" I whisper to annoy her.

She gives me an evil eye which I thought was hilarious. I couldn't help, but laugh. She shushed me which reminded me of Selena a lot.

Speaking of Selena, she's on the other side of the arena with Taylor and Abel. Figures. I never would have thought she would be dating The Weeknd honestly. I was pissed off about it whenever I found out, but I've moved on and she deserves to be happy. So if she is happy then that is all that matters to me.

Anyways... I wish they would just get to the awards. I'm ready to see if I won. It feels like this is going to take forever. I hate award shows.

"Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the one and only... Adele."

The crowd cheers and claps as the lights slowly dim. Of course Adele has to pick the most saddest song on her album... "Hello"

As the lyrics were beautifully sung, I look over at Christina until she looks at me. Her eyes beam into mine and my lips curl into a smile. She tried to fight the glare, but she couldn't resist. My teeth found their way to my bottom lip and gnawed gently.

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