Chapter twenty-two

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I don't know what to do. Why did Justin have to tell my mom about moving to LA? I was going to mention it to Sam myself. I didn't want him to hear it from my mother.

This whole moving to LA thing is stressing me out, because Sam isn't into it at all. He doesn't want to go with me and he doesn't want me to go alone. Ugh. It's so complicated. There has to be some kind of solution to this.

I want to move to LA. I really do miss it down there, but I don't know how I feel about moving with Justin, especially if I am without Sam. He might try to make me fall for him again and I already feel horny around him. Him and I in the same place alone... is not going to be a good combination. I've been strong, but I feel like I'm going to crack and get back with Justin.

I can't do that. I just can't. That's why Sam is going to go with me. I need him to go, or I just won't move to LA. Simple as that.

"So, what do you want to do?" Sam asks scratching the side of jaw. I pace back and forth as I try to figure out what exactly my plans are.

"I don't know Sam, I want to go to LA, but I'm not going without you. I'm only going for Joanna's sake. She needs her father in her life and this way it will be so much easier. I know you don't like Justin or the idea of moving to LA, but this is really my only option." I explain with my arms fueled along my chest.

Sam heaves a lengthy breath and trails his tongue along his lips. "I just don't want to move. I like it where I am. I love what we have right now, right here." He replies.

"I do too, but sometimes we have to let the little things go and let bigger and better things in. Moving is a big step, but you will love it there. We'll have our own house to ourselves, it'll be better than going back and forth from my place to your place." I say staring deeply into his eyes.

"I don't know, maybe you're right, but... If I did decide to stay here... then where would that lead us?" Sam asks raising a brow.

"I don't know, you tell me? You don't like long distant relationships."

"I don't like them. They are just pointless to me. I hate being away from the person I want to be with the most." He says.

He is annoying me so bad right now.

"Then come with me to LA. It's simple. You won't be away from me if you come. You'll be able to wake up next to me every day, you'll get to do this whenever you want." I peck his lips softly and smile against them.

"Mm, I like that." He says pecking my lips with a slight laugh at the end.

"And now that we aren't taking it slow anymore, you can do what you did earlier anytime you want... in the shower... in the kitchen... against the wall." I tease him.

"Fine, I'll go you sexy little shit." He says kissing all over my neck.

"Yay! We better start packing." I say overly excited.

"Calm down Christina, I literally just made the decision." He replies with a slight laugh.

"I know, but it's better to get a head start." I say grabbing my suitcase that was ten times bigger than me.

What am I saying? Everything is bigger than me.

"After I'm done packing my stuff and Joanna's stuff, we can go to your house and get all of your things." I add as I throw all of my clothes onto the bed.



Well, I just got some good news. Christina is moving to LA with my baby girl and... bad news is the asshole is coming with her. Man, I wish he would have stayed in New York and let me take over, but no. He's threatened by me.

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