Chapter six

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I just got home from my little date with Sam. We went for a walk in the park. There was barely anyone there so we didn't have to worry about any paparazzi or people recognizing me. I actually had fun, but I still felt guilty about lying. I know it's not the right thing to do, but whenever the time I right I'll tell both of the boys. I don't think Sam and I will get serious, but if we do then that's when I'll let the cat out of the bag about Justin and my daughter.

Ugh, I'm such a horrible person.

The Grammy's are almost here and I don't know how to feel about it. I'm excited, but then again I'm not. I would be more excited if Justin and I were actually a thing, but... we are just friends and I don't want to be more than that. People are going to be staring and thinking we are together when really we aren't. It's none of their business anyways. It's just going to be awkward and weird. I wish I could back out of it and not go, but I already promised Justin I would go and I bought the dress so no going back now.

As I lay on my bed, I hear the door open. Justin walks in with Joanna in his arms passed out.

"Hey, I didn't know you were home." He says shutting the door behind him.

"Yeah, I just got here actually." I heave a sigh after finishing my sentence.

"How was your day with Cara?"

"It was fine." I reply shortly.

"You okay?" He asks as he places Jo in her crib.


"Yeah, I'm just tired." I reply.

Tired of life.

"Same here. Today was a long day." Justin yawns and sits down on the side of the bed.

"Was Jo good for you?" I ask raising a brow and turning over on my side.

"Yeah, she was a little cranky today, but she wasn't too bad." He replies softly.

"I miss her. It feels like I barely see her."

Ever since Justin's been here, he has been with Joanna the whole time. I need to spend more time with her than I do. She is either sleeping or Justin gets to her before I do. I appreciate it and all, but damn.

Justin grabbed a shirt from his suitcase and changed into it from his old clothes. He turned around facing me and I noticed he got a new tattoo. It says Son of god.

"Is that a new tattoo?" I ask knitting my eyebrows together.

"Yeah, I got it a few weeks ago." He says.

"Oh my gosh, it's huge. Why would you put it on your abs?" I ask.

"I don't know, because I like it. I've been wanting it for a while and I thought it looked good." He shrugs and slips the shirt over his head and pulls it down over his body.

"It's going to take some time getting use to it."

"It took me a while. It'll grow on you. It's different and that's what I like the most about it." He replies as he pulled the covers back and slips into bed beside me.

"I'm thinking of getting Joanna's name tattooed on me somewhere." Justin adds.

"That would be nice." I reply.

Justin heaves and audible lengthy breath and looks around the room out of boredom. I stared at the ceiling, trying to find what to say to fill the awkward silence.

"Where'd you get that rose from?" Justin asks knitting his brows as he looks at the rose laying on my dresser.

Shit. Oh my god. I don't know what to say. I should have left it downstairs.

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