Chapter sixteen

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It has been exactly one week since Justin left. It has definitely been harder with Joanna since I don't have the extra hands anymore, but I am managing and It's going to get better. I have been spending time with Sam a lot lately and tonight, he is coming over to meet my parents for the first time. Mom insisted of course. She always has to be in my business, but how can she not be whenever I am living with her. I'm going to move out soon, but I want to make sure I am stable enough to live on my own with Joanna. I was okay living on my own in LA, that was a whole different thing, but now that I have a child, I tend to overthink and think about all of the worst possible case scenarios. It's a mommy thing, but I love my daughter and I want her to be safe at all times and I feel safe at home because I have people who would do anything to keep us all safe from harm.

I am kinda nervous about Sam meeting my dad, but only because he is still not over Justin. They had a bond together at one time, and he grew attached to him. My father is just going to have to suck it up, and give Sam a chance like he gave Justin a chance. It's only fair. I know Justin was great, but Sam is just as great. Change is good. Out with the old and in with the new.

Today is actually a good day. I just realized, Jo just turned 2 months today. Time sure is going by fast. I remember the day I brought her home. Before I know it, she will be all grown up and moving out on her own and living life. Ugh, and I'll be in my thirties or forties. Okay, I'm done thinking about it.

Anyways, I just got done giving Joanna a bath and she is squeaky clean. She loves taking baths surprisingly. She loves whenever I pour warm water on the back of her head. It's so adorable because she almost falls asleep. I lay her on the bed and put an adorable little onesie on her that had monkeys on it.

Tonight after dinner, Justin is suppose to come get Joanna and take her to LA with him, which I do not know how I feel about that at all because she will be hours away from me.We have decided to do the every other weekend thing. I trust Justin with her, but... I am her mother and I love being with her at all times, and now I won't be. The first time is going to be the hardest part. He mentioned to me that he wanted to take her to church with him, and I have no problem with that at all. I just want Justin to make the right decision where Joanna is concerned. I don't want Sofia to interfere in anyway. Justin is really good with Jo, so I'm not worried about him, but Sofia on the other hand... she is basically a kid. I do not trust her as far as I can throw her, I don't even know this girl and I do not want to, but If I have to for the safety of my daughter, then I will.

"What do you want me to cook for dinner tonight?" Mom asks as she holds Jared in her arms in the door way. I look over my shoulder and think about her question. "Um, I'm really not sure. Sam isn't picky so anything is fine." I reply.

"Okay dear, is Justin still coming to get Jo or did he cancel?" She voices softly. "He is still coming. I don't know when, but... he's coming." I let out a sigh as I pack Jo's diaper bag with all of her things she would need.

"You don't sound comfortable with this." Mom says noticing my emotions on my sleeve. "I don't, but this is the only way that this is going to work. With Justin here, it's just not going to work out. You saw that for yourself." I reply. "That was horrible. I think it's best that you and Justin are apart from each other for a little while. That way, you both can heal and see what your heart really wants."

"I know. In the end, it will all work out. That's what I keep telling myself." I was so tired of feeling down in the dumps, so now I am getting better at looking at the positives and doing what's best for Jo and I.

"It will baby, but I'll let you have some time alone, Oh and I'm going to grill steaks for dinner tonight." She says as she makes her way into the door frame. "Yum."

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