Chapter thirty-one

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I am so ready to come home. I'm tired of being in the hospital, in this bed, and not being able to move. I'm stuck in the room watching soap operas while everyone else is walking in time square.

Why am I even complaining? I'm alive and I am grateful, but ugh. I am kinda glad I don't remember the last two weeks in the hospital. I would go crazy and it has only been two days since I gained my memory. Joanna got to go home with Justin yesterday, but I have to wait until my test results are cleared before I can go home. I hope everything is okay. I am pretty sure it is, but you never know. One minute you can be totally fine and then another minute, your memory is gone.

I haven't been able to stop thinking about what Justin told me. You would think I would remember him and I kissing, but in all honesty, I do not remember anything from that day. I feel bad because I do not want to lead him on. I do have feelings for him, always will, but... I don't know what I want right now. Since Sam lied to my parents about the crash, I don't think I can trust him. He basically lied to protect his name and so he wouldn't look bad. Who the fuck does that?


It hurt my parents even more that he would lie to them. They were just warming up to Sam and earning their trust, and look what he does? Ugh. Boys are fucking idiots. All of em. I'm just going to go gay.

I'm serious.

Nah, I'm kidding, but really... do guys ever grow up is the question. Are they always going to be idiots or what because, I can't take anymore of their stupidity.

I need a change in my life, I thought Sam was the change, but... he ruined that for me. It was only one lie, but it was still very wrong in so many ways.

Justin was by my side the whole time, according to my parents and Dr. Kent. I find that very sweet and thoughtful, but I don't think I am ready to open that door again right now. I'm recovering from a car accident, I have a very serious head injury so, both of them need to cut me some slack for a while.

My parents have been so good to me. My father has been coming to see me the most since mom is taking care of my baby brother. I wish I could see him more and spend time with him, but life is just so crazy right now. My parents have been breaking their backs just to make sure I have everything to be comfortable. I don't know what I'd do without them. I am truly grateful.

"Hey sweetie." My dad says as he enters the room. "Has the doctor gave you any news yet?"

"No, I should hear the news anytime now and then I can come home."

"I hope so, Justin is at the house with Joanna. He has been staying in your room for a day or so. Yesterday, he came knocking on our door with his nose bleeding. He said he it was a regular nose bleed so we didn't ask any further questions." Dad explains as he sits down at my bedside.

"What? Justin doesn't have nose bleeds. That is something I know for a fact." I knit my brows together in confusion.

"I don't know hun, that's what he told us." Dad shrugs.

Justin doesn't have nose bleeds though. He hasn't since I have known him, Hm.

"Okay, well I'll talk to him whenever I go home. Do you know how long he is staying?"

"He didn't say. I don't care if he stays, he can stay for as long as he wants. He offered to take care of you when you do come home."

What the hell? Does he think him and I are together because I thought I made myself clear.

Apparently fucking not.

"I can take care of myself." I reply.

"I know that sweetie, but just let him help you. You are recovering and the doctor has already said you needed to rest as much as possible until you fully recover."

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