Chapter twenty-seven

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Today has been horrible for me. I've been disrespected left and right by the people who are suppose to be my fans and also the damn paparazzi. What is the difference between my fans and the papz nowadays? I can't get a fucking break. A camera is always in my face every which way I turn. I know I just got back in LA and everyone wants to see me, but I can only take so much.

Usually, I wouldn't mind taking photos, but over the years I feel like a lot of people see me as a way to get likes and attention. I'm much more than just a person to take photos with. I'd love to get to know some of my fans and share that connection with them, but it's hard when they have their phones in my face and screaming like wild animals. I feel like I am a zoo animal most of the time and it sucks. I love meeting new people and seeing their reactions, but it's draining me and some people don't understand that. They think just because they have been supporting me and they have bought my album that I owe them something... I do not owe anyone anything.

I just want peace and to be treated like a human being. That is all.

"Justin, I love you!" I hear from behind as I walk along the side walk. I wish I could just hide right now. There are so many fans following me and I am trying so hard to hold my cool.

"Justin, Please can we get a picture with you? Please We love you so much."

I continue walking as they follow closely behind.

"Not today ladies, I'm not in the mood." I reply in a soft tone.

Their phones didn't go away. They still follow behind taking pictures. I wish I could snatch their phones from them, but I know I can't do that.

"Guys, I said no photos." I say again in a more stern tone.

"Oh my god, is that Justin Bieber?!" I hear from behind me once again. I was scared to look back and see how many people were following me. I wish I had Hugo or Mikey with me right now. It's usually not this bad.

I finally get away from the mob of girls. I am so relieved. I can breathe. I walk with my head down so no one could see my face. I know that wouldn't help from people recognizing me, but sometimes it worked.

As I continued to walk with my head down, I felt someone bump into my chest.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to ru--" a girl says as she looks me in the eyes. She realized who I was as her lips curled into a smile.

"Um, hi I know you're probably busy but.." I heard enough and I couldn't take it anymore. I already had an idea of what she was going to ask and the answer is no.

"If you're going to ask me for a picture then the answer is no." I say with no emotion on my face. Her smile began to fade as she realized that I was not in the mood. I walk away leaving her there. I hate that I was an ass to her, but... I can only take so much.

I make my way into a bar that wasn't too packed. I gladly sit down and enjoy a cold beer with a big screen in front of me. I was ready to just relax and watch the game that was coming on tonight. I should be in the studio recording right now, but I am worn out. I need a break.

I scroll through my twitter feed and find pictures of me from earlier. I continue to scroll and found a tweet from a fan that said "Justin was a total ass to us today. He wouldn't even talk to us. I don't even know why I stan him."

I wanted to reply to her so bad and tell her how it is, but I know if I did, it would just make me look even worse. Just so my fans know, I see everything. They think I don't, but I really do. I may not tweet a lot anymore or tweet them, but I still see what they say.

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