Chapter twenty-eight

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Today is the day. The day that I finally got to call her mine. The day that we laid under the Hollywood sign and shared our first kiss as an actual couple. I could never forget that day. How could I?

"She's so beautiful." I say softly as I look at the Polaroids I took of her. Her hair was blowing in the wind with a real smile on her lips. I found a picture of us together. Her head was resting on my chest and I was looking down at her as she smiled against my flesh. If I could go back and relive all of those moments we shared that night, I would.

Since Christina is in the hospital still, I went to drop some flowers off to her. I know she won't know why she is receiving them, but I can't just not get her something. When it comes to anniversaries, valentines day and other romantic holidays, I go all out just to make my girl feel special.

I told her happy anniversary as she slept peacefully and kissed her lips. I'm glad she didn't wake up. She hasn't really gotten any rest because doctors are always coming in there and doing something to her.

After seeing Chris, I stopped in to see Jo. She was looking good. I held her for a minute and kissed her forehead after I sang to her for a little bit. The doctor told me she was able to go home tomorrow so I'm pretty happy about that.

After visiting Chris and Jo for a little bit, I decided to go out for a walk downtown. It feels like I haven't been here in forever. All I have been doing is coming to the hospital every day to see Chris and I don't mind it because she is my main priority. All I care about is her getting better.

I heard Sam checked out of the hospital a couple of days ago. He hasn't came to see her not once. What a boyfriend huh? I don't give a fuck what Sam says, I am Christina's boyrfriend, not him. What kind of "boyfriend" doesn't come see his girlfriend in the hospital? A shitty one. Before she flat-lined and lost her memory, her and I kissed and told each other we loved one another so... I'm pretty sure her and I are together. Sam is a piece of shit and if I see him anywhere, things are not going to be good. I have a couple of things to say to him and I am ready to throw some punches if he tries anything with me. I'm not a fighter, but... fuck it.

I walk along the crowded streets and make my way into the coffee shop that Christina liked so much. I needed some coffee to get me going. I don't usually drink it, but I am about to start so I can get some energy.

I go up to the counter and hear the normal whispering from behind. I order a coffee and pay. As I wait for my coffee, I spot Sam sitting in a booth with his head down. My jaw clenches as my eyes locked on him.

"Sir." The cashier says.

I couldn't stop looking at him.

"Justin, your coffee." The cashier says getting my attention.

"Sorry, thank you." I say grabbing my coffee from her. I make my way over to Sam's table and slam my coffee onto the counter top to get his attention. He looks up at me with no emotion on his face.

"What do you want?" He asks.

"I just want to know why you haven't seen Christina in the hospital." I reply.

Sam heaves a sigh and rolls his eyes. Took me all I had to not reach over and punch the fuck out of him.

"I don't think she would want to see me."

"You're right." I smirk with my eyebrows raised.

"Did you come here just to start shit with me?" He asks angrily.

"Yeah kinda, but I came here to let you know that Christina is not Christina anymore." I clench my jaw.

"What do you mean?"

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