Chapter thirteen

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I am getting so pissed off right now. It's almost three in the morning and Justin hasn't made it home yet and he is rejecting my calls. I know we aren't together, but I still care about him and his safety. I hope he's not out doing something stupid. That's all he needs, is to go out and fuck up his reputation again. I've texted him multiple times and I know he has to see them. I know he is pissed off with me, but damn he doesn't have to be such an asshole and cut me off. I swear to you, just wait until he gets home. I'm going to light into his ass for this. He is a grown man and he is acting like a child. We are parents now and things are rough, but we have to come together and make this work. It's not going to be easy, and its definitely not going to get any better if he keeps acting like this.

Today has been a very long day and I just want to sleep, but I can't because I'm worried even when I shouldn't be. Justin needs to work on his anger problems, whenever he gets mad, he balls it all up inside and holds it in and doesn't say anything until it's too late. That's his problem. I have problems of my own too, but I'm willing to make this work. If he's not then... I don't know how this is going to play out.

Also, I'm surprised that Sam is willing to work this out with me. I was relieved whenever he said he was all in. It makes me happy that he would actually put in the effort to make this work. He could have ran and left, but he didn't. Maybe, I did make the right choice.

"So, he still hasn't came home?"

"No, he hasn't. After you left, I came inside and he stormed out and said he was going out to drink."

"I told you he was an asshole."

"He's not always an asshole, but right now he is. He's just mad that I rejected him for you. I mean, what did he expect? Our relationship has been over with since he told me he cheated."

"He cheated on you? Wow. I'm not surprised. Christina, you deserve so much better than that. You do know that right?"

"I know, that's why I am with you. You make me feel special and like I matter."

"Because you do matter. I think about you non stop. Whenever I met you, I knew that you were someone I wanted to be with."


"Yes, I know you weren't honest with me, and I forgive you for it, you're not perfect and everyone makes mistakes. I understand why you lied actually. If I were knocked up by Justin Bieber I wouldn't want anyone to know either."

"It's not easy, but Joanna is a blessing. She means the world to me and with or without Justin... we are going to be just fine."

"You will be just fine. If he decides to walk out on you and leave, I'm here. I know I said I didn't want to be a father, but... I'll do whatever it takes to keep you both happy."

"Thank you Sam. Really, it means so much to me."

"No problem, you deserve it."

"Anyways, I'm about to get some sleep. It's late. How about we make plans for tomorrow. Me you and Joanna?"

"Sounds like a plan. Goodnight Christina."

"Goodnight Sam."

The next morning|

Joanna woke me up with her crying. She needed her diaper changed. I needed to wake up anyways and start my day. Of course, Justin isn't home. I don't care. I'm done caring.

I change Jo's diaper and made her a bottle. She was a happy baby after that, but as soon as I put her down she starts to cry again. Sometimes, I feel like she loves Justin more than me, but I think I'm just being paranoid.

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