Chapter seventeen

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I should have known Chris was going to pull that shit with me. She wants me to be a good father, but she won't let me see my kid and now she won't answer my calls so I can see why she won't let me. I did nothing wrong. I got a shower and everything was fine, but whenever I got out Sofia told me Christina called and said the plans were canceled and that I didn't even need to call.

I think it has something to do with that Sam guy. He probably told her to tell me not to come so he can take my place. Ugh. I hate him, I want to bash his face into his skull. First, he takes my girl and now my daughter? Nope. Not happening.

I'm trying to call Christina now, she keeps sending me to voicemail. I think I should just fly down to New York anyways, but it's really late right now. She is probably asleep or at Sam's house with Joanna. It's making me so mad right now.

"Are you sure she said the plans were canceled?" I ask chewing on my bottom lip. Sofia looks up from her phone and says "Yes, I'm sure."

"Did she say why?" I ask curiously. "No, she just said not to come."

Something's not right though. Something is off to me and I don't know what. "Okay, I might just fly down there anyways tomorrow." I reply sitting down on my bed.

"I don't think that's a good idea Justin." Sofia replies quickly. "Why not?"

"Because she said not to come, and if you do then it might ruin your chances for good to get Joanna. Just listen to her. I don't know why she said not to come, but I'm pretty sure there is a good reason." She explains.

"Alright." I reply crawling into bed beside her.

Maybe she's right. I'll just stay in LA for now even though I want to see Jo. It feels like it's been forever. I miss her so much it hurts.

It feels so odd being in the same house Christina and I stayed in together. It's different, nothing is the same.

I guess it takes time to get use to things.

"Don't stress it." Sofia says.

"I'll try not to." I heave a sigh and stare at the ceiling lost in space. I have a lot on my mind and I know I'm not going to be able to sleep.



I cannot believe Justin would do this. He knew he had to come get his daughter and I was actually willing to trust him to take her to LA, but now... he is slowly losing my trust. He can't even keep a promise. I want to believe that maybe... just maybe he had a good reason for not coming, but I have a gut feeling that he just put it off.

I don't know what to think right now.

I'm relieved and upset at the same time, because I didn't want him to take Jo in the first place, but the fact that I put my trust in him and convinced myself to let him take her and then him not come just pisses me off. What if he pulls something like this all the time? Then I know for a fact that Joanna is going to be really confused who her father is.

Ever since he has been with Sofia, he has been acting different and just surrounding himself around her all the time. I know he is moving on... but damn. He promised he wouldn't let anything come in between him and Joanna and now look what he's doing?

I won't tolerate it. I love Justin, but I can't sit here and keep putting Joanna through this. She is a baby,   But she deserves a father and if he won't step up, then Sam said he would help out even though he didn't want to be a father. He has been spending a lot of time with her, and I've noticed he is becoming attached the more time he spends with her.

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