Chapter eleven

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Justin| The next day

Last night was the best night I have ever had. I won all four grammy awards and every time that I won... I got to kiss her and each time we kissed I fell for her more and more. It was like a bomb went off inside of me. I was exploding with happiness. I haven't felt this happy in so long, well... ever since Chris and I were actually together and now... I couldn't be anymore happier than I am right now.

She is sleeping beside me. Her eyes are shut and her lashes are laying so beautifully as she slumbers. The more I look at her the more I realize that she is simply perfect. She may not be, but she is to me. I move her hair behind her ear so I could see her face clearly. I didn't want to wake her, I could watch her sleep all day.

That sounded a bit creepy, but you know what I meant.

Her eyebrows scrunch together as she awakes.

"Good morning beautiful." I whisper in my raspy morning tone. She opens her eyes and smiles as she notices I was laying beside her.

"Good morning." She replies and stretches her arms with a yawn. "I took home four Grammy's, but turns out you are the real prize." I say biting my lip at her body as she drags herself out of the bed. Oh how I missed seeing that every day.

"Wait... we are still in LA. This is your house." Chris says a bit confused. "Yeah, we were drinking at the after party last night, so it was best for us to stay here for the night." I explain.

Her mouth dropped open. "Oh my god... we didn't--" I laugh at her as she assumes. "No, Chris we didn't have sex. We just slept in the same bed. That's all."

She held her chest and closed her eyes sighing with relief. What's the big deal if we did?

"Are you okay?" I ask standing up from the bed and walking towards her as she paces.

"Yes." She replies immediately. Then she took a deep breath and said "No, Justin I'm not okay." Her voice began to quiver.

"What is it? You can tell me." I ask afraid of what she was going to say. I pull her close to me and rub her arms soothingly to keep her calm.

She held back her tears from flowing as she looked me in the eyes.

"Last night I... wanted you to be happy so I just... gave you what you wanted." She says underneath her breath.


"What do you mean, gave me what I wanted?" I ask knitting my brows together in confusion.

"I knew you were going to kiss me, I knew that you were trying your best to win me over from Sam. You saw the rose Justin, you saw it and you knew I was moving on." She says sobbing into my chest.

"Chris, look at me." I lift her head up off of my chest and caress her jaw with my thumb.

"I wasn't trying to win you over. I just wanted to try one last time and if it didn't work then... I was going to move on." I pause and wipe her tears from falling.

"So you thought looking at me with heart eyes and basically making me fall for you again was going to work?" She clenches her jaw and backs away from my grip.

"Well it did and now... I don't know what to do. I--I am in love with you Justin, but I know down deep that I can't love you. I can't. Why did you have to do that?" She raises her tone.

"Do what?" I raise my tone back. "Make me love you. I tried so fucking hard to get where I am and then you wouldn't stop! You kept going and now you got what you wanted."

I cannot believe what I am hearing. This is not how I planned this to go.

"No, I didn't get what I wanted Christina. This... this is not what I wanted. I wanted you to love me like you use to. I wanted to start our life together the right way and raise our daughter as husband and wife. I wanted so much more than... this. screaming, crying... I want you to be happy."

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