Chapter twenty-one

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Christina is taking forever up there. She said she would be right back. Her food is getting cold and Joanna is getting fussy. I need to change her, but all of her diapers are upstairs and I don't want to intrude on her and Sam.

What am I saying? I don't know why I even care. Usually I could give two fucks, but I'm trying to get along with this guy for Christina. If it weren't for her, I would have already beat the guys face in.

I tried to be nice and offer the dick some breakfast, but he wouldn't eat it only because I cooked it. I think it's funny actually. He's so threatened by me and I love it. This guy doesn't know what I can do. I could have came onto Chris last night. Boy, did I want to. I almost cracked because I knew she wanted me to. I could tell by the way she looked at me. Her eyes were raging with lust. One touch of her thigh and I would have had her wrapped around my finger just like old times.

I wish I would have made the move, but no... I'm the nice guy here. She was my girl first. I have a feeling that this guy is just a rebound or a replacement until Christina can't handle not being with me anymore. I know I sound a little cocky, but I just feel like she's not over me. I tried to move on, but not hard enough because all I want is her and I know she feels the same it's just that I hurt her and she doesn't want to be hurt like that ever again. Once she is hurt, it's hard for her to trust anyone. I was one of the only people she could trust. I was one of the people she looked up to, I was her idol, her best friend, her finance. With one temptation I ruined it, but I know God will bring her and I back together some how.

I love her. I never would have thought I'd feel this type of love again. Selena was probably one of the worst breakups I've ever went through and now... with Christina it's probably about the same. I did it to myself. I pray to God every day to make me a better man and forgive me for my sins. I don't want anyone to think of me as a cheater or a bad guy, because I have the biggest heart. I love people and I love to make people happy. Whenever I hurt someone it's not in my intentions. I get caught up in the moment and I fuck up and I hurt people that I love in the process. If I could take back what I did to Chris, I would. I should have never done what I did with Hailey. I was stupid and now look where I'm at? In the same house with my ex fiancée and her boyfriend that's probably going to marry her someday.

Oh my fucking god, I hate myself. They aren't that serious so the possibility of them getting engaged or married are zero. Christina wouldn't jump into a marriage that fast. She literally met Sam not even a month ago I think.

I have nothing to worry about. I will get her back.

"She's taking forever up there." Mrs.Benson says stirring her coffee. She stands up to go see what's holding the two up. 

"I got it Mrs.Benson. You sit down and enjoy your coffee, I have to go get a diaper for Jo anyways." I say politely. She nods and takes Jo from my arms. 

I was so eager to know what was going on. I tip toe lightly upstairs and stand outside of Chris's bedroom. I could barely hear anything. I put my ear to the door to get a better listen. As my ear was pressed to the door, I felt it open. I immediately jump back innocently. 

"I was coming to get a diaper for Jo, she was fussing." I say trying to cover up. Christina's face was flushed. She could barely look me in the eyes. Sam was slipping his pants on as I stood in the doorway. 

"They are in th--" I cut Chris off before she could finish her sentence. "I know where they are." I snap with an attitude. 

I grab the whole diaper bag just so I didn't have to come back up here. I was sick to my stomach knowing that her and Sam were having sex in the bed I use to sleep in. In the same exact bed her and I use to make love in. 

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