Chapter twenty-three

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It's getting late. I've tried calling Christina so many times and she won't pick up. The last time I talked to her was a couple of hours ago and she said she was on her way down here.

I just want to make sure she is still coming.

Tomorrow I'm going to buy them a house, but they were going to stay at my place for the night. I'm ready to see my baby girl and actually get to sleep with her.

Never would have thought I'd get to say that. Joanna is truly a blessing.

I fish out my phone and give Christina a call just to see if she would pick up this time. Of course, it went to voicemail.

I'm going to call her mom just to see if she has left yet.

"Hey Mrs.Benson, is Christina around?"

"No she's not, she left about an hour ago."

"Oh, well I've tried calling her and she won't answer the phone for me."

"I'll give her a call and see if she answers."

"Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome, bye bye."

Well, that solves that I guess. She always answers her mom's phone calls.

I'm trying to figure out if I did something wrong for her to ignore me. Maybe her phone is on silent or she forgot it.

Hahaha, yeah right. Christina. Forget her phone? Definitely not. Her phone is glued to her hand twenty-four seven. She is either ignoring my calls or she doesn't realize I'm trying to get a hold of her.

Mrs.Benson will notify me so, I'm not that worried anymore. I can't over think, that's my problem. She is probably on the way here and she just fell asleep.

That's what I'm going to go with.


Everything's a blur. I can't feel anything, not even the piece of glass that's sticking out of my arm. I'm numb.

Christina isn't moving. Her eyes are closed. I've said her name countless of times, but she won't answer. It's overwhelmingly quiet.

I never thought silence could scare the shit out of me, but once again, I was wrong. My girlfriend might be dead, and so might her baby...

and I'm the cause of it. I was the one behind the wheel, I was the one who has full control of the car, I took my eyes off the road for a split second and...

You can finish the rest.

How did such a special little moment turn into something like this. Why?

Why did it have to turn into this?

I hope Christina and Jo aren't dead. I can't move so I can't see for sure. . All I can do is sit here in silence and watch... and wonder if she is still breathing. She could be... or she could have already taken her last breath all because of me.

I'm trying so hard to reach my phone so I can call for help. I just want to cry. I can't. Nothing is coming out except for frustration and anger towards myself and my mistakes.

I never thought how fast your life can change in a split second. One minute you're happy and on top of the world and the next... everything is crashing down around you.

I looked away for one second. One.

Goddamn it, I hate myself.

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