Chapter thirty-two

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I am finally able to get around a lot better by myself. It has officially been two weeks since I checked out of the hospital. I never want to go back to that shit hole. I am so ready to be fully recovered so I can get up and do things on my own without everyone sucking up to me and freaking out. I can't even take a shit without Justin knocking on the door every five seconds... like come on... seriously? I need my privacy. I know everyone is worried about me and that car accident caught them off guard, but I am fine. I've been going to see Dr.Kent for about two weeks now, and he said everything is going perfect. Justin is the main one who is over reacting. He is up my ass twenty-four seven. I get that he cares and all, but Jesus... he literally won't let me do anything by myself as if I am disabled or something. It's been a week and he still will not lighten up.

I love that he cares, don't get me wrong. I just want space and my privacy back. I haven't been outside of this house since I got out of the hospital. It's about to drive me bats. All I've been doing is eating and watching Netflix. I started "Thirteen Reasons Why" yesterday and I finished it all in one fucking day. That's... bad.


I just want my life back. I want to go out and have fun, but I guess I need to be patient and fully recover or I'll regret it later.

The only good thing about this is being able to spend a lot of time with Joanna and Justin too I guess even though he is annoying as hell.

I'm not going to lie, he has made me laugh so much, and has been taking really good care of me. I don't even know why I'm complaining.

He hasn't tried to kiss me ever since the other day, but he has cuddled with me and rubbed my back for me until I fall asleep.

I wanted to ask him about the kiss, but I don't want to make things awkward for us. It most likely won't, but I always over think. At the moment whenever he was leaning in, I wanted it more than anything, but the more I think about it... the more I think of Sam. I feel guilty because we never properly broke up. I haven't talked to him since the hospital, and he has tried to contact me, but I ignored his calls and texts. I'm pissed at him, but I still care for him and have some feelings for him as well. I wasn't with him for long, but the right thing to do is at least break up with him the right way before jumping into something else. I'm not saying that I am getting back with Justin, but it's a possibility. I am considering it.

I'm not getting my hopes up, because I change my mind like a girl changes clothes... ya see what I did there? Katy Perry... Hot N Cold...

I'll shut up now.

"Justin, can I talk to you?" I ask as I sit on the side of the bed.

Justin was just getting out of the shower. A towel was wrapped around his waste to hide his middle. His v lines were so visible.

"What is it?" He asks as he drops the towel to the ground and stands carelessly naked in front of me.

Fuck. I hate him.

"Well, do you remember how we almost kissed the other day?" I ask staring at his bare ass as he plundered through his clothes.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"I don't know... I just..." I pause.

Justin looks over at me as he pulls his underwear over his bulge.

"You just what?" He says licking his lips.

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