Chapter thirty-six

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We just landed. Oh, how happy I am to get off of this plane. I can finally breathe, and feel comfortable.

I grab Jo from her seat. I had to change her before we get off of the jet. I could smell her poopy diaper from where I was sitting. At first, I thought Justin passed gas, but he didn't give me the guilty look like he usually does so... the stink was definitely coming from Jo's diaper.

"Oh goodness." Justin says holding his nose as he gets back onto the jet to get the rest of our belongings.

"You can tell she's your daughter." I laugh.

"Ha-ha." He rolls his eyes playfully.

I finish up with cleaning Jo and she was all fresh and clean. Lets hope she stays that way for a while. I don't think my stomach can handle another poopy diaper right now. That one was... horrible. Probably the worst one yet.

I should have made Justin change it. Too late now. He'll get the next one.

I got into the van that was waiting for us. I was kinda anxious to be riding in the car right after I landed, but... deep breathes and I'll be fine.

"I can still smell her, oh my god." Justin says scrunching up his nose.

"That's impossible. I changed her."

"Oh my-- it's on your shirt." Justin points. Of course, I immediately look down freaking out.

Nothing was there.

"Just kidding." He said with that same cheesy smile.

I swear I could choke him sometimes.

"That's not funny Justin." I sigh.

"I laughed." He replies. I give him side eye, and he curled in his lips and held back a laugh.

I fold my arms along my chest out of annoyance. The littlest things were getting on my nerves. I think it's that time of the month or something, because I haven't been this moody until... now.

"Chris, I'm joking. Lighten up." His lips plant a kiss on my cheek.

"I know you are, I'm just anxious riding in the car. I just landed off of the plane, and now I'm in the car so I'm trying to keep myself calm." I explain.

"I forgot, I'm sorry babe." I felt him caress the top of my hand with his thumb gently.

"It's fine."

I could tell he felt bad. I wasn't mad at him. How could I be when he didn't do anything wrong?

"Are you ready to meet mom?" Justin asks to take my mind off of the car ride.

"Yeah, I'm excited." I smile slightly as I look out of the tinted window.

"She's shorter than you. You're finally taller than someone." He reminds me.

"Yeah yeah." I reply with a smirk.

"You are going to love her Chris."

I do not doubt that at all. Pattie has always been a sweetheart, and I have always wanted to meet her in person. Before my little fantasy of being with Justin came true, I always dreamed of walking up to Pattie, and telling her how grateful I am for her bringing Justin on this earth. A lot of Beliebers feel that way. She always thought Justin's fans were adorable, and that's what I loved about her the most.

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