Chapter fifteen

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After watching movies at Sam's house for a couple of hours, he took me home since it was getting late. Joanna needed a bath and I needed to get some rest as well. Today was another long day.

I carry Joanna inside with her car seat. Mom was in bed already and she had already put my brother to sleep. I walk up the stairs and go inside of my room finding Justin laying on the bed asleep. I sit Jo down and place her in the crib. Of course she starts to cry because she woke up, but she would eventually stop crying. She can't be picked up and spoiled all the time.

Justin grunts as he wake up from his nap. I roll my eyes at him in disgust. I'm surprised he actually came home tonight. "Jo is crying." He says in a raspy voice.

"I know, why don't you get up and take care of her since I had her all day." I say with attitude. Justin gets up out of bed and stretches. "It's not my fault. I would have spent time with her today, but you kicked me out and told me to leave and that's what I did." He snapped back.

"Don't pull that bullshit with me. I had every right to tell you to get out of my house with the shit you said to me today." I could feel the anger rushing out of me.

"Christina. You can't get pissed off because I moved on. If I'm not mistaken, you were the one who told me to move on so you could be happy and... it doesn't look like you're happy to me." Justin says as he picks Joanna up out of her crib.

"I am happy." I say insecurely. "Doesn't look like it to me. Whenever I mentioned Sofia you literally flipped out like you did back in Canada."

"Yeah, because it was the way you told me about her. 'She was a fun time' Really Justin? And by the way your dick is all over the news and internet since you couldn't keep your fucking clothes on. Just thought you should know." I say sarcastically smiling. His eyes grew big.

"Fuck." He says underneath his breath. "That's what you get for going for an underaged girl who barely hit fucking puberty." I snap.

"She is eighteen years old Christina. It's legal. And why do you care who I date or what age she is? It's not your relationship so stay in your lane." He raises his tone. Joanna began to cry in the middle of us arguing. I immediately felt bad because arguing in front of kids is not healthy at all.

"I don't care, I'm just letting you know it looks bad. You are a grown man, and she just turned eighteen. You couldn't handle a grown ass woman so you settle for a little girl instead? Wow, pathetic." I laugh and suck my teeth.

Justin clenches his jaw and stares at me from across the room. I knew I was pissing him off and I loved every minute of it. "If you didn't care, you wouldn't have acted the way you did today, you wouldn't be shading the girl I'm with and you definitely wouldn't even talk to me about her. You are jealous. Stop acting like you're not, because I know you like the back of my hand." He replies.

"I told you before, I am always going to care no matter what. I have a heart." I say gnawing on my bottom lip. "Could've fooled me." He says.

"Did you just come home to argue with me?" I scream. "You started it with being a bitch to me as soon as you walk through the door." He yells back.
"I told you, I'm not going to kiss your ass. I have every right to be a bitch to you."

"And I have every right to be a dick to you!" Justin screams.

My bedroom door swung open in full force. "That is enough!" My mom yells at the top of her lungs. Justin and I both stand in place in silence.

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