Chapter twenty-four

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Who does that piece of shit think he is? If he thinks he is going to win over my girl, he has another thing coming. He does not scare me one bit and if he thinks he does, he is sadly mistaken.

I hate him, but I am not threatened by him nor scared of him by no means. He had no business in my hospital room. I know I was the cause of the accident, but that is why it is called an 'accident'. I did not do it intentionally. The fucker acts like I purposely flipped the car into the ditch or something. I would never put anyone I care about in harms way.

He is delusional.

"Sam? Are you alright?!" a familiar voice says.

"Mrs. Benson? What are you doing here?" I knew exactly why she was here, I just was not expecting her to come see me.

"I heard about the car crash." She says with tears filling her eyes. I could barely face her.

"What happened?" Mr.Benson asks as he rubs his wife's backside to comfort her.

I didn't know what to say or where to even start. They are going to hate me. I just know it.

"Um, I was driving and..." I pause and swallow hard. "I took my eyes off the road for one second to make sure... Jo was okay because she was crying. Christina  was asleep."

I panicked.

"Have you... seen them?" She asked stumbling over her words.

"No, I just woke up from the surgery. Justin is here too." I explain.

"Justin is here? I'm going to go find him. He must be so worried! We will be right back, hang in there." She gave me a sweet smile before leaving the room. I smiled back, but whenever they left the room, my smile was no more. I just lied to the love of my life's parents because I was too pussy to tell them the truth.

Once again... I hate myself.


Everything's a blur.

"Christina." I hear my name echo in my ears. "Christina, wake up."

I open my eyes finding Justin standing over me, gazing deeply into my eyes.

"She's awake." He says with a smile on his lips.

"Justin." I say confused out of my mind. I was so happy to see him.

"Are you okay? That was quite a fall you took." He says helping my up on my feet.

I look around finding myself in a dressing room.

"What do you mean? I fell? Where's Sam?" I ask remembering he was the last person I was with.

"I don't know who that is, but you were walking along the sidewalk and you dropped out of no where. I came to your rescue when I saw it. We bumped into each other before the incident. I was kinda a dick before, I apologize. I'm just glad you're okay."

What is he fucking talking about? Wait a minute...

No no no no.

This can't be.

"I know you're confused, but we haven't met properly. I'm Justin." He says reaching out his hand for me to shake.

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