Chapter 3

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~Jordan's POV~

"Isn't it amazing how you talk all this shit and we still lack communication? How beautiful our kids would be girl I don't need convincing. How every conversation starts with this time will be different. Oh, the idea is fun." I was sitting in the section resevered for the OVO crew at Drake's concert, singing the lyrics to Connect.

The last two weeks had gone by fast. We were on the thrid show and third day and so far it was good. I missed Jermaine so much. He wasn't here to annoy me and get me up and it sucked. But Aubrey was amazing. I never thought I would say that but he's just so sweet. We shared a tour bus since I didn't bring anyone with me. 

I was supposed to be backstage preparing for my que to go on stage, but Spoons let me in the crowd to watch until it was almost time. I was standing with Drake's crew, I didn't think I would like them but they're cool as fuck. The crew included Hush, CJ, 40, Niko, Chubbs, Mark, OB (with his magical beard) and of course my favorite, Ryan. Ryan was sorta a fill in for Jermaine since I wouldn't see him for awhile. 

I was tapped on the shoulder, I knew it was Spoons telling me it was time. I walked back stage with Spoons trailing behind. There was a couple people asking for autographs but I had to get backstage. I walked into my dressing room, slipping on booty shorts and a Toronto Raptors jersey.  I combed my hair and walked out and was handed a mircophone. 

As I walked on stage Drake glanced at me and smiled. He had the perfect smile. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the breathtaking Jordan." That was my que to sing.

"Come thru boy you deserve rounds tonight" I repeated that line, until Drake started singing it.

After that song I sang Jhene's part in from time, since she wasn't on tour. As I walked off stage Aubrey called me back. I thought he would tell me good job or some shit but he leaned down and kissed me. I wasn't going to reject it, well for one I wasn't going to embaress him or myself and plus I kinda wanted it. His soft lips landed on mine for a few seconds. The crowd cheered the loudest they had all night. After the kiss he smiled and I walked off stage.

What the fuck just happened?

~Drake's POV~

What the fuck just happened?

That's all I thought the rest of the show. I just got caught up in the moment I guess. I wasn't going to lie, I've been thinking about doing that the past three days. She was just so amazing, with her perfect carmel skin and amazing voice, she was the perfect person.

I closed out the show and said goodnight. I got backstage and rushed into my dressing room. I was hoping I wouldn't run into Jordan. I got undressed and jumped in the shower. I thought over the kiss and to be honest it was a meaningful, to me at least.

As I got out of the shower I threw on a pair of boxers and walked out of the bathroom. 

"What the fuck Aubrey?" Jordan scared the shit out of me.

"Shit Jordan, don't creep like that" I said.

"Don't put me on the spot like that" She mimicked me.

"Look Jordan I'm sorry" I sighed. Then I noticed she was staring at my chest. I laughed a little. "You see something you like baby?"

She glared at me.

"No" She was a little pissed "Aubrey it's just.. I don't even know."

I walked over to her and pulled her up and looked into her eyes.

"Did you like the kiss?' I asked

She hesitated, then nodded. She wouldn't even look me in the eye. I grabbed her chin and made her look at me.

I caressed her cheek, and brought her lips to mine. It started off innocent but soon turned into a makeout session. My tongue begged for enterance, she welcomed it. As I hungerly kissed her, her hands ran up and down my chest. I started running my hands down her body until I grabbed her ass. I was getting hard just feeling on her. I started putiing my hands down her pants when we were interuputed by a knock at the door.

"Fuck" I said as I hesitanly pulled away to answer the door. I was about to open it when I realized I was hard. You could see me through my boxers.

"Jordan answer the door" I told her while walking to the bathroom with clothes in my hand.

"Okay" she smiled at me, and started blushing.

~Jordan's POV~

I don't even know what just happend.

I liked it but I just don't want us to fuck or shit and then it's akward. But I liked the way he grabbed my ass and based by his hard he was big, which wasnt surprising.

I walked over to answer the door, it was Ryan.

"Hey Aub-, oh Jordan. What are you doing in Aubrey's room?" he asked. I didn't have answer for that.

"Oh um, I wanted to talk to him about when he kissed me." It wasn't a complete lie.

"I totally forgot" he chuckled " But tell Aubs we're about to go to the club."

"Um okay" 

As I closed the door Aubrey came out of the bathroom, dressed. 

"What did Ryan want?" He questioned.

"Are you going to the club, cause they're about to go." I told him.

"Oh yeah" He didnt look at me. "Let's go"

We're just going to pretend like that didn't happen? 


Aye, they almost got it in. Well we will see what happens next!

Comment cause I need some feedback.

Follow my Instagram @KingOfOctober


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