Chapter 33

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~Aubrey's POV~

"Aubrey." I felt someone shake me. "Aubrey, the doctors wanna see you."

The last three hours of my life had been somewhat of a blur. I remember the important parts, like getting to hold my son and crying a few times but other than that I didn't remember. When I held Aubrey for the first time, only my mom was in the room and I felt a flood of emotions, I felt sad, angry and happy. I'm not really sure why I cried, maybe it was because the thoughts of living without Jordan or maybe just tears of joy, either way my heart felt heavy. Somewhere within the the last 3 hours I must've fallen asleep beside Aubrey.

"Uh? About what?" I shifted in my chair, and kept my eyes closed.

"Jordan." My eyes shot open and I jumped out of the chair. 

"Aubrey, I'll be right back." I told him, as if he could understand. I ran out of the room and down the hall to were the crew was standing with  a doctor. I told them to go home and I'd call them if something happened, but they stayed just to see if Jordan and I were okay. Today made me realize a lot of things, the fact I have the best friends in the world and how much I loved Jordan and my son. My mother came behind me a few seconds later. I stared at the doctor waiting for answers.

"For awhile we were sure Jordan wasn't gonna make it." When she said that I prepared myself for the worst. "She wasn't responding and we tried everything." I looked around the room and the crew, they were all looking at either me or the doctor. "But in the end, she managed to pull through, I really think it's because she wanted to, not cause us." I wasn't sure what to do, I needed to see her now. "She's in a state where she's conscience then blacks ou-"

"Can I see her?" I cut her off, she could tell me this shit later I just needed to see her. 

"We would prefer no visitors for awhile." I almost screamed when she said that, I stopped my self because she'd been so nice.

"Please, I need to see her." I begged. She sighed and then spoke.

"Only you, okay?" I nodded and started following her to Jordan's room. It seemed like the longest walk ever but once we got there I almost busted open the door. The doctor left, knowing I needed to be alone.

I walked in and saw Jordan sleeping, more like unconscious. She looked pale, almost white and had no red to her skin. She was hooked up to a few machines and her hair was all over the place. I walked over and sat in the chair beside the bed. I reached over, scared to touch her and grabbed her hand. I rubbed her hand for a few minutes, just taking it all in. 

"Hey baby." I leaned over and kissed her forehead. I couldn't rally say anything else, I couldn't get words past the lump that formed in my throat. I let go of her hand, barley able to touched her, and put my head in my hands. I broke out in tears, I couldn't hold it back anymore. I'd been holding back for too long. I felt someone's hand reach over and rub my arm. I didn't bother to wipe my tears when I looked up. 

"Aubrey, are you okay?" She asked. I cried even harder, I knew she was okay but I just couldn't help it. I was usually  the strong one, but it was my turn to have comfort. "If you're crying over me, I'm sorry for worrying you." 

"You're apologizing?" I asked. "Jordan, I thought you were gonna die." I sniffed and wiped my eyes. She wouldn't look at me after I said that. "Aubrey's amazing." Her eyes got bright and she looked at me.

"I wanna see him, hold him." She said excitedly. "Did you hold him already?" I nodded. "What's he like?"

"He's a perfect mix of us I guess." I shrugged. "He's tiny, very tiny and looks so fragile. He has your eyes and my lips and mouth, with lots of straight dark brown hair." She smiled, the first time since I walked in.

"He sounds beautiful. I wanna see him." She told me.

"I'll ask if somehow they can let him come here." I got up and was about to walk out when I came back. "Jordan, I just wanted to say I love you." She looked up at me and gave me a big smile.

"I love you too Aubs." She said. I walked into the hallway and wondered it until I found the doctor.

"Hey, uh is there anyway Aubrey can see Jordan?" I asked. She smiled.

"Well of course, I'll get someone to bring him." She walked off and I found my back to Jordan's room.

"Soooo....." She asked when I walked back in.

"She said you could see him." She almost jumped out of the bed. "I don't understand how you're so energetic and happy when you almost died."

"You've gotten to see Aubrey already." She told me. "I haven't yet, so it's different." I thought about telling her about how I thought I was gonna hate our baby or about the third space, but didn't. Maybe one day, just not now. The next five minutes Jordan wouldn't shut up about Aubrey, I smiled listening to everything. She talked until they brought Aubrey in, after that she didn't say anything

"You wanna hold him?" The nurse asked. She nodded her head fast and the nurse grabbed him and brought him to Jordan. She reached out, eager to hold him. Once she held him she brought him close to her chest. "I'm gonna let you guys have time with him, call if you need anything." I nodded and thanked her, Jordan was too busy admiring our baby.

"Aubrey, look at him." She looked up at me. "He's just so small. Oh my God, I never thought it would feel like this."  He started whining a little, and opened his eyes. She gasped and looked up at me again. "Aubrey he opened his eyes." I laughed.

"I know, I'm right here." She reached over and ran her hand lightly over his head.

"I love him so much." After she said that he started crying. She looked up at me as if I knew what to do. I shrugged.

"I haven't ever feed him or changed him or anything." I looked at Aubrey. "Uh maybe we should ask for his food." I walked back out of the room and found the nurse that brought him in. She went to get the food as I walked back. A few minutes later she walked in the room and handed me a bottle.

"He's right on time." She smiled. "He's on a schedule for feeding, every two hours or so. And after  he's done he'll probably use the bathroom so you'll have to change him." After she showed us how to feed him she left again and Jordan did it by herself. I could tell how much Jordan loved this kid.

This whole day had been a rollercoaster of emotions, I was at my lowest point in my life then the highest. I went from almost losing my baby and Jordan to being with my family and realizing how important they were.


JORDAN LIVED!!! Ahhhhh, I hope everyone's happy now! I had people on Intagram begging me to keep her alive! Hope you like!

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