Chapter 13

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~Jordan's POV~

"Fuck." I said as i woke up to my phone ringing.

It had been 3 days since Aubrey  and I had apologized to eachother. Over those three day I had gotten better and tonight was my first night back on stage. It was about 4 in the morning and we were on the bus headed to San Diego, after this stop was one more show then a small break and Aubrey said I could stay at the house he has there with the rest of the crew.    

I slowly sat up and looked at my phone, it was Jay Z.

"Hello." I answered in a sleepy voice.

"Hey Jordan."

"Jay it's like 4 in the morning." I told him. I heard Aubrey roll over in the bed.

"I know but I have something important to talk to you about." He paused. "Okay so right after the tour you are on now there will be another, except in Europe. I want you to go to Europe with Drake and maybe the Weeknd, he's undecided."

"Wait so after the tour in the States you want me to go on the tour in Europe?" Aubrey was now sitting up staring at me.

"Yes Jordan. But I need to know now so I can get everything arranged."

"Oh my God, yes Jay." I semi yelled.

"Okay that's settled, go back to sleep so you can be ready for your show." He said.

"Okay!" I said before he hung up.

"What was that about?' Aunrey mummbled as he put his head back down.

"Jay said I'm going on tour with you." I cuddled into Aubrey's neck.

"Oh yeah I talked to him about that." He started rubbing my back. "So you're excited?"

"Well duh. Did you see the way I was yelling?" I asked. He chuckled. After that we both got quiet and went back to sleep.  


"Hey" He said as he kissed me on the forehead. "Nice Show."

I smiled. "Thanks. You too." He walked me back to his dressing room so he could change.

"I'm gonna shower, do what you want." He told me.

"Okay." I sat on the couch in to room. I went through my social media and posted a few things until Aubrey got out.

He walked in the room with a towel around his waist, and really it turned me on. It had be about a week with out sex, it didn't sound like that long but to me it was forever. He walked over to his clothes rack and I got up. 

I walked up behind him and started rubbing his back. I turned him around and started sucking his neck. His hands made there way to my ass and took a handful and squeezed. I moan and started trailing kisses down his chest. In no time I was on my knees in front of him. 

I slowly removed his towel to see he was semi hard. I took him in my hands and moved my hand up and down getting him rock hard.

~Drake's POV~

She took me in her mouth.

Thinking about it now, I had gotten head from her one other time, and she was good maybe the best. She almost got all of me in her mouth, she brought her hand up and rubbed the part her mouth couldn't get. I was really about to bust, I mean she was so good at this and plus it had been a week. She started moving her head up and down. I put my hand on the back of her head and grabbed her hair. I started moving her at the pace I wanted. I slowed down and moved her head so I was touching the back of her throat and then came in her mouth. I let go of her head and she sucked up all my cum. Once Jordan was done she looked up at me and smiled.

"Damn, why don't you do that more?" I said once she got up. 

"I don't know, you never asked me to." She turned and walked over to her purse. As she fixed her lipstick and got a mint, I put clothes on. 

So enough we were both ready and we walked out together.


"I have no idea what to write" Jordan moaned.

We were at the studio. We all decided to go here instead of the club. Jordan was listening to a instrumental in her head phones. 

"Try a different song, sometimes you can't think of something for a certain song." I told her. "Maybe you're not feeling it."

"I'm just gonna start a whole new song." She grabbed her guitar and left the room. 

"I'm gonna go with her." Ryan said, he was always interested when we started a song. 


Noah and I continued working on a song together, while the rest of the crew sat smoking blunts. 

~Jordan's POV~

I walked into an empty room and sat down with my guitar, pencil and paper.

I started off slow just playing simple guitar notes. I stopped playing when I heard someone walk in, it was Ryan.

"Hey" I smiled. "Need something?"

"I just like watching people make songs." He smiled. "I like learning how they do it. Everyone does it differently."

"Okay then, take a seat." I usaully didn't let people watch me but it was Ryan. He didn't say a word as I continued. Soon enough I had come up with the notes for the guitar. I starting thinking of lyrics.

I slowly sat back and thought of my past. I wasn't happy with it, but I couldn't changed it, just learn. I thought of everything until I had come up with a couple lyrics. I jotted them down.

This was my way of writing I made a couple lines up then more of the song came. I would have to unscramble them and put them together. I slowly worked the song out in my head. Once I was done I hummed to myself and played the guitar to it.

I cotinued singing until I came to the middle of the second verse. I hadn't noticed the tears falling until I finished what I had so far. I looked up to see Ryan staring.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah," I whiped the tears away with my hand.

"You done?" 

"Yeah, for now. Did you like it?" 

"Jordan I loved it. It was personal." He told me. "You opened up so much."

I thought he would ask me what happened when I was a kid but he didn't. 

"Ready to go back? He asked as I finished brushing all my tears away.

"Yeah"  we both go up and I grabbed my things and we walked back to everyone else. 

"Ryan your a really good friend." 


First off I know that's a real song and it's old but I thought it fit Jordan. Second I want you guys to comment, I need some feedback.

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