Chapter 39

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~Aubrey's POV~

I slowly picked my bag with me and Aubrey's stuff in it up, and started getting off the plane. 

It had been 3 days since I talked to Jordan, and I decided to finally come home. I really wasn't ready, I wasn't sure how I was feeling about this. I actually only packed a few things because I wanted to talk to Jordan before I did anything. 

I had Aubrey in my arms with the bag on my shoulder, as I walked onto the runway. The crew followed closely behind, I'd also told them to pack light. I saw my SUV parked on  the runway and someone getting out. I smiled a little when I saw Jordan walk over to us. She rushed over and hugged me.

"I missed you guys." She smiled at everyone. "Especially you little man." She reached over and grabbed Aubrey from my arms. He immediately started crying when she held him, and her face fell.

"Don't worry he does that with a lot of people." I told her before she could get upset. "He has to get used to you." It sounded to bad, the baby shouldn't be crying because of its' mom.

"You're right, I haven't seen him in awhile." She passed Aubrey back to me and he stopped. I could tell she was upset about that but shook it off. "So where's everyone's bags?" 

"Well I wanted to talk to you about that." I told her as we all climbed in the car. I passed Aubrey to Ryan to buckle in as I got in the front to drive. "I'll tell you later, but uh what you do while we were gone?"

"Nothing really." She told me. "I told you Jermaine came back."

"Wait what?" OB asked. "J is back? Like how?"

"He's moving to Cali, and I'm so excited." She said cheerfully. "I haven't had some friends from New York around."

I looked in the review mirror to see Ryan eyeing me, he was the only one that knew what I wanted. He mouth the words 'tell her' to me but I shook my head and looked back on the road. 

"What did you guys do?" She asked.

"Recorded some songs." 40 said. "That's pretty much it."

"Oh I actually was hoping to get back into the studio." She said.

"I can make that happen." 40 smiled at her. The rest of the ride was full of conversation, I still wasn't sure how I felt about me and Jordan yet. I did notice she was acting different, she was too happy, if that made sense.

I pulled into the driveway and everyone got out. Jordan got Aubrey, who started crying when she held him, he really didn't like her. Once we were inside I walked my bag upstairs and Jordan get Aubrey a bottle and took him to his room. His cried lessened a little. I sat on the edge of our bed and waited for Jordan. I sat there thinking about how I wanted to tell Jordan everything, after awhile I got up and walked to the room to hear Aubrey crying. I walked in and Jordan looked at me with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Aubrey why won't he stop?" I sighed, I knew she wasn't ready for this. I reached over and grabbed him and he stopped crying.

"He does this with Mark too, he only likes to be put to bed by me." 

"Aubrey he's fucking 2 months old, he doesn't know the difference." She got up and wiped her tears. 

"Jordan don't talk like that around him." I said rocking Aubrey, he was almost asleep. She walked out of the room and I tried to get Aubrey to bed quicker. After about five minutes he was completely asleep, I set him in the crib and made sure he wasn't getting up. Once I was sure I walked into our room to find Jordan laying in bed. 

"It's not fair." She mumbled. 

"What?" I asked as I started removing my clothes. She sat up in bed and looked at me. 

"I carried him around and almost died for him and he hates me." I gritted my teeth, I really didn't wanna do this now. 

"He doesn't hate you." I said. "I'm tired of telling to that, why can't you see that. I'm tired of you blaming this on your depression, it's partly your fault too. Spend some time with him Jordan." I thought about what I had said. "Jor, I'm sorry." She didn't say anything.

"You're right." I heard her voice crack. "You wouldn't understand though. I can't help it sometimes Aubrey, it just happens. But I need to own up to it sometimes." It grew silent as I climbed into the bed beside her. I sat against the headboard. "What did you want to talk to me about." I didn't say anything for a minute.

"I-I" I paused. "I wanna move to Toronto, for good."

"What?" She sat up. "Aubrey no, Jermaine just came back and I like it here." 

"I know but I feel it's good for both of us." I told her. "You know starting fresh."

"No, I just can't Aubrey." Jordan got up and walked to the bathroom. I followed her. 

"Jordan come on, we need this." 

"I've done so much for you Aubrey." She turned around and looked at me. "I moved here for you, I left my friends for you, I even opened up to you. What have you done for me?" I grew angry.

"What the fuck?" I yelled. "I took care of our kid because you couldn't, I helped you when you needed it the most, and so many other things. How dare you say that shit."

"You call leaving me here by myself helping?" She yelled back. "And you even cheated on me, you're lucky I even took you back."

"I'm lucky?" I chuckled. "No, you're fucking lucky, I literally take care of you like you're a child."

"I hate you anyway." She yelled. "No one asked you to stay."

"Alright then, since you think that, I'll give you a damn choice." I screamed. "You come to Toronto with me and our son or stay here alone." She grew quiet and thought.

What ever she was going to say, was going to determine the rest of our lives.


Damn, plot twist. Sorry for not updating, I was really busy. Hope you liked!

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