Chapter 4

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~Drake's POV~

"Aubrey you okay?" Ryan yelled over the music.

I don't know was I? I was so confused about everything. I was confused about Jordan and my feelings towards her, but most of all I was confused about what had happened with her today.

"Aubrey, what the fuck? You're not drunk or high, why the fuck can't you answer a question?" Ryan yelled agian.

"Oh shit man, sorry." I said. "Yeah I'm fine."

We were at the club and Jordan was with us. I was trying to avoid her. I didn't want to have tension between her, so I would have to talk to her eventually. Not tonight though.

"You want some shots to loosen up?"

"Yeah man" He read my mind.

After about an hour I was drunk off shots and champange and high as fuck. I saw Jordan and called her over. She looked so bad and I wanted her.

~Jordan's POV~

I didn't even know why I came to the club. I couldn't drink because I had to dance tommorow and plus I don't make good desions when I'm drunk. No matter how confused I was, I refused to get to that level and fuck up.

"Jordan" I heard someone yell over the music.

I looked over and was surprised it was Aubrey. I walked over, but as I got close I could tell he was either drunk or high, maybe even both. 

"Jordan come here" He pulled me into his lap. "I want you" 

I was shocked he had said that. I stared at him. I wanted him too but I didn't want a repeat of last time and plus he was faded. 

"Aubrey let go" I said trying to wiggle out of his grip.

"No Jordan, why can't I have you?" He rested his head on my shoulder.  He was acting like a child. By now people were staring, and Chubbs noticed.

"Come on Driz we gotta go" Chubbs just saved my ass. I thanked him wihout even saying it.

"Fine" Aubrey let go of me and got up. 

We left the club with the whole crew. We all piled into the car waiting outside. Once I was in Drake pulled me into his lap again.

"Jor-Jordan" He slurred his words "Come on"

"Aubrey no" I whispered in his ear, trying not to gain the attention of the crew.

"Oh come on Jor" He slurred again. By now everyone in the Crew were looking at us. "It could be like earlier, except we don't get interupted"

I blushed so hard and tried to get out of his grip again. By now all I wanted to do was hide.

"Aubrey let go please" I said about to burst into tears. I wasn't even sure why I was about to cry, I was just so embarrassed. They probably thought I was a slut now.

He started placing soft kisses down my neck. I tried to push him off but the way he was holding me I couldn't. 

"Aubrey let go of her" I heard Niko say. Aubrey looked right at him.

"Stop cock blocking man"

"It's not cock blocking if she doesn't want it" They were both pissed off by now.

"Dude shut the fuck up" Aubrey yelled

"No, Aubs you're drunk. Don't do shit you'll regret." This made Aubrey even madder.

Thank god the car came to a stop, we were at the hotel. I climbed off his lap, the crawled over Ryan to get out of the car before more could be said. I jogged to my room and shut the door. I walked to the bed with tears steaming down my cheeks. 

The most embarrassing night of my life.

~Drake's POV~

I woke up with the worst headache and no memory of last night. I was pretty fucked up.

I got up and walked to the bathroom to get some Advil for this headache. When I finished I walked out of the room and checked the time, it was 2:00. I looked around and saw the crew playing a game of Fifa.

When I walked over they all stared at me. 

"What?" I asked.

"You fucked up last night" 40 said. I just stared, trying to remember the events of last night. Then I remembered.

"Fuck" I said under my breath. I went to get on some jeans and a shirt; I had to apologize to Jordan. "Sorry Niko" I said on the way out.  

"It's all good" I heard Niko yell as I walked out.

Spoons followed behind me. I got in my Rang and drove to the dance studio. I knew she was there because she had to practice for the concert that was in one day.

"Was it that bad?" I asked Spoons.

"Her whole face was red and she was about to cry, so you tell me." He responded.

The rest of the ride was spent in silence. When we arrived I jumped out and walked in the front door.

"Can I help you?" An older lady at the front desk asked.

"Which studio is Jordan in?" I asked her.

"Four" She gave me a sweet smile.

I walked to studio four and saw Jordan dancing to one of her songs, with the dance teacher yelling commands. As soon as she saw me she stopped and stared. 

"Um, okay Jordan that's enough for today" The dance instructer said.

She walked over and grabbed her bag. She walked right past me not even looking up. 

"Need a ride?" I asked.

"Depends are you going to almost rape me." She snapped.

"Look I'm sorry, let me explain." I told her.

"Whatever" She sighed

I walked her over to the car and she climbed in the back, I followed behind. Spoons got in the front to drive.

"I was drunk and high, you just looked so good. and with everything that happened earlier I wanted you." I sounded stupid. "I know it's a shitty excuse."

"Aubrey it's not just that, the people I have to be around for another 3 months think I'm a slut" 

Spoons peaked in the mirrior, looking at Jordan.

"Jordan, we don't think you're a slut" Spoons injected into the conversation. "We just think Aubrey is stupid" 

That made us all laugh.

"Okay, fine I forgive you" She looked me in the eye "Just don't let that shit happen again."

"I promise" I said

I couldn't deny the feelings I had for her much longer though.  

Oh, shit. Did I just admit it? 


Hope you liked. Sorry about spelling errors, I was tired.

Vote and comment please. 

Follow My Instagram @KingOfOctober


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