Chapter 44

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~Aubrey's POV~

"So you're taking her out tonight?" Lauren smiled at me. I'd met Lauren at the gym and claimed I was training with her. I was paying for it but I didn't really care I was spending time with her either way. Right now we were jogging around the small track they had inside.

"Yeah, I figured why not. Right?" I paused and caught my breath before continuing. "I'm taking her to Sotto." She slowed down a bit and eventually stopped running.

"Alright uh, upper body or core next?" 

"Uh core I guess." She walked out of the room and into another. She sat down and I plopped down beside her. 

"Why are you even paying for this? I can talk to you anytime. Start doing sit ups." I groaned before laying down.

"I don't know, this way I'm getting in shape and talking." She looked at the stop watch she had. She didn't look back up at me for awhile, she looked like she was trying to distract herself. She told me to stop and take a break after awhile. "Something wrong?"

"Nah, I mean..." She paused for a moment. "Does Jordan know about me?" I paused before answering.

"Uh no." I looked away, I really didn't want to explain this to her.

"Why?" I sighed.

"Jordan's just Jordan." I didn't want to make this sound bad. "She's just protective. I mean she's okay with me being friends with you I don't think she'll like it though." 

"Oh." There was a silence for a few minutes. "Uh I have another client, I'll text you later." 

"Alright bye." I knew she had awhile before she had another client but didn't question it. She was upset Jordan didn't know about her, and thought I was keeping it a secret. 

I grabbed my bag and walked outside of the gym and climbed in my car. I started the car and started driving home. 


"Hey Aubs you're back early." Jordan turned around. She was watching TV with Aubrey in his bouncy chair. 

"Yeah I got tired and besides I gotta get ready for our date." She smiled when I mentioned it. I walked over and pecked her lips. "Are you excited?" She nodded before pushing me off of her.

"You're sweaty and you smell." She laughed. 

"Thanks." I rolled my eyes. I turned to Aubrey and picked him up. "I'm sure he doesn't care, right buddy?" He smiled at me. "See, that's real love."

"Pass him to me before he smells like sweat." I laughed and passed Aubrey over before walking upstairs and jumping in the shower.  .

As I washed my body I thought about Lauren. I really liked her, in more than just a friendly way. I wanted her, but I knew it was wrong. I had to find a way to stay away from her before I did something stupid. I was gonna fuck up what I had with Jordan. I really wanted to get away from her but I couldn't, Lauren just pulled me in. 


"So which is better Cali or T Dot?" I asked her. 

"I don't even know both are fucking amazing. I would probably say Toronto just cause I love living in the city and your love for the city kinda rubbed off." Jordan told me. We had been at the restaurant for awhile now and we had already eaten. The conversations flowed naturally, like they always have. This is one reason I loved her, I could easily talk to her. I was about to speak again but the waiter came up.

"Would you like desert?" He turned to me.

"Uh yeah sure. Bring whatever." He nodded before walking away. I was about to speak again when someone else approached our table.

"Aubrey?" I turned my head and immediately regretted it. 

"Damn it." I whispered so only I could hear. "Hey Lauren." 

"I didn't know you would be here." Bullshit, I knew I told her today and she did this on purpose. 

"Yeah same." I faked a smile. I turned to Jordan. "Jordan this is Lauren, a friend of mine." Jordan smiled and nodded.

"How long have y'all been friends?" I was about to lie and say a long time but of course Lauren spoke.

"For a few days now. We've been hanging out. I actually help him pick that dress out and we trained together today. Oh and your little boy is so cute." I swear Jordan shot me a look that said I was gonna die. 

"Oh well thanks." She smiled at Lauren.

"I'm uh gonna go to the bathroom." I got up and started walking to the bathroom, I knew Lauren would follow me cause she wouldn't wanna talk tot Jordan for that long.

I waited outside of the restrooms and sure enough a couple minutes later she turned the corner. I was leaning against the wall and she walked over.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I whispered. She rolled her eyes.

"I did both of us a favor. She knows about me now so when she does find out about us she'll already know." I clinched my jaw.

"You're such a bitch Lauren, you ruined my fucking night with her." I wanted to scream at Lauren at this point. "You knew how much I wanted this night to go well, and you fucking ruined it. I would've told her." She looked unfazed by everything I'd just said and only crossed her arms.

"Aubrey don't lie you wouldn't have told her. I know you would've waited till she found out, then she would think you were hiding something, which you aren't. I don't see why this is a big deal, we're not doing anything." 

"I know Lauren." I sighed. "I just wish you would've let me tell her when I was ready." 

"Sorry Aubrey." She mumbled. " Go back to your date and I'll text you later." I pushed off of the wall and leaned over and hugged Lauren. As I leaned down I looked at what she was wearing for the first time that night. She was wearing the black dress I'd bought her along with the heels. As I pulled away I still held her.

"By the way you look beautiful tonight." She blushed and looked down. I picked her chin up with my finger. "I'm serious you do." She smiled at me. I stared into her eyes for a moment and before I knew it I was leaning down to kiss her.

My warm lips enveloped hers. I felt her hand find my head and pull me into the kiss more and I pulled her body closer. At that moment nothing mattered, it was just me and Lauren. I didn't try to stop it, I let it happen naturally and soon my tongue  begged for entrance to her mouth. She allowed it and our kiss became deeper. I knew it was wrong but I couldn't stop because it felt so right at the same time. Once we pulled away I brushed a piece of hair behind her ear and stared at her.

Was it possible to be in love with two girls at once?


I'm sorry I suck at updating. I've been busy with school plus my WattPad isn't working right.

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The Chance Of A LifetimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora