Chapter 24

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I stood in the crowd and watched Aubrey preform.

We had 3 days left on tour and all my stuff was being moved to Cali. I told Jermaine yesterday and of course he was pissed but understood that I wanted to start my family with Aubrey. Aubrey on the other hand couldn't wait, I think he was more excited than me. I was starting to show more and people were talking, but we still hadn't confirmed anything.

I swayed my hips to the beat of Connect and sang along. Once the song ended I waited for Furthest Thing to start playing, but heard nothing. I looked over at Ryan, he only smiled, right then I knew Aubrey was changing something up. I stood and waited for Aubrey to speak, but instead the beat to Take Care played. I stood for a second and finally, the one and only Rihanna walked out.

I was shocked, didn't Aubrey learn last time? I mean she's the reason we even broke up. I stared as they started singing the song, not really knowing what to do. If she just sang the song and left I promised myself I wouldn't be mad, but if she pulled something I would beat her ass and Aubrey's.

Right as I thought this, of course, Aubrey and her started grinding. I looked over at Ryan and Jermaine who were looking between them and me. I wasn't going to make a fool of myself so I stood to see what else would happen. Throughout her time on stage she grinded, he kissed her cheek, hugged her, all that shit. Right before she walked off he sang Hold On We're Going Home. I started walking back stage, Ryan and Jermaine followed behind, they knew I was mad. I walked fast, so they had to run to keep up. Once we reached backstage they finally spoke.

"Jordan slow down." Jermaine yelled. I ignored him and looked for Rih, ready to pounce when I saw her. I viewed the people in the area, when I spotted her. I was about to run when someone grabbed my arm. I turned to see Spoons.

"Let go of me." I pushed him a little.

"No, we're not having a replay of last time." He said in a firm voice. "You can either walk to the dressing room or I can carry you."

"I fucking hate all of you." I said under my breath as I walked by Rihanna. Spoons held my arm hard, thinking I would do something. I walked into the dressing room and sat on the couch. Spoons walked in the room and stood by the door. "Did you know about this?"

"Yes." He told me.

"Why didn't anyone tell me?" I asked.

"You would have been mad." He paused. "Madder than you are now. I have a question though."

"Yeah." I laid back on the couch trying to calm down.

"You're pregnant, why would you fight her?" He questioned. I brought my hand to my stomach.

"I, uh..." I really didn't have an answer. "I don't know, that's just how I deal with things I guess. I forgot about the baby."

"You have another person to take care of." He continued. "You have to think about them too. What if she hit you in the stomach and you lost the baby." I cringed at the thought, I couldn't lose my baby.

"You're right." I told him.

"That's why when Drizzy comes here, I'm not gonna hold you back." He said. "I don't want to hurt you, so if he walks in and you go after him I'm not gonna try and get you. Now that you know that, I would expect you to make the right choice."

As he finished, Aubrey walked in with the biggest smile on his face. He was still pumped from the show and hadn't thought I would be mad. He turned to look at me and his smile dropped when he saw my facial expression.

"Hey baby." He rubbed his neck, Spoons exited the room and glance at me before me left.

"Aubrey do I mean nothing to you?" I asked.


"Do you actually care for me?" I repeated. "I mean you keep bringing the problem up that destroys our relationship."

"What's the problem?" I could tell he was mad. "I was having fun on stage and you couldn't take it. I was doing something without you? You're just jealous." I balled my fists up trying to calm down.

"No, I'm not." I struggled to kept my voice normal and not scream.

"Well what's the problem then?" He changed out of his shirt. "I just wanna have fun and you can't accept that. Just cause you're pregnant doesn't mean I can't have fun."

I stood and walked over. "Fun does not have to be flirting with an ex when your girlfriend is pregnant."

He rolled his eyes. "You're just over reacting."

"No, overreacting would be this." I brought my hand to his face and slapped him at hard as I could. "Or beating up that trick you keep bringing around."

When he looked up I noticed his eyes were a shade darker. He slowly pushed me back a little, making me stumble. "You think it's okay to hit me?" He yelled. "Listen Jordan, you've put your hands on me enough already and if you do it again, I swear I'm gonna hit back." This was the maddest I've ever seen him, I was scared for my own safety at that moment. I slowly backed to the door. "Don't let it happen again."

I didn't say anything and once I reached the door I quickly opened it and stepped out. Once I turned around I saw most of the crew standing waiting for me and Aubrey. They all saw the look on my face and could tell I was scared.

"Are you okay?" Niko spoke up.

"Yeah." I looked down and walked beside Jermaine with my head down. He reached down and grabbed my hand, trying to comfort me. We stood for another minute, and Aubrey came out. He looked over at me and saw me and Jermaine holding hands, his eyes were still that same shade of brown.

"Let's go." He said under his breath and started walking. As we walked Jermaine whispered to me.

"Tell me what's wrong."

"I'm okay." Jermaine knew I was lying but dropped the subject. I didn't know who I was more mad at, that bitch or Aubrey.


Well that's it! Hope you liked, and check out more of my stories.

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