Chapter 18

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~Jordan's POV~

*1 Week Later*

"Come on Jay." I said.

I had been back for a whole week now. It was weird without Aubrey by my side but I was trying to clean him from my mind. I didn't want to think about him, but it's hard when everything reminds me of him. Jermaine had been here to comfort me and said he'd beat the shit out of Aubrey for doing that to me.

"Jordan you will go on tour with him. This is business not some stupid love thing you have going on." He told me. "This will boost your career and lets not forget you'll bring money in."

I rolled my eyes and looked over at Jermaine sleeping. We were on my couch watching TV and he fell asleep so I called Jay to convince him to not make me go on tour with Aubrey. The tour was in Europe and was in 2 months. "HOV please."

"Jordan it might sound like I don't care about this thing but really I do." He paused. "Just do it, it will only be a month. And plus Jermaine will be there."

"Fine." I said. You heard him right Jermaine was going on tour in Europe with me and Aubrey. The Weeknd ended up not being able to go so Jay talked to Aubs and he agreed. "Bye Jay."

"Bye Jordan." As soon as I hung up Jermaine woke up. He looked up at me and gave me a smile, the one showing his crooked teeth. I smiled at him.

"What time is it Jor?" He asked.

"Um 8 why?"

"Oh shit I told Nicole I would take her out to dinner at 8:30. I gotta go." He said while putting his shoes on. "Bye Jor" He said as walked out. 

"Bye Jermaine."

That was it. I was left to my thoughts. I tried to focuse my attention on the TV but I couldn't shake the feeling something was off to me. Since I couldn't focus I thought. I knew it was something more than just me and Aubrey breaking up this was something I would never forget. Shit, what is it?


I quickly got up and pulled on a pair of boots. I grabbed a $20 and ran out of the door.


~Drake's POV~

 I rolled off of Taylor. She tried to cuddle up next to me.

"Taylor get your shit." I told her.

"Come on Drake, I've slept with you the last week just let me stay one night." She begged.

"Taylor I told you the deal before this started. Go." I said.

She got up and gathered her things. "Same time tommorw?" She asked.

"Yeah." I responded. I layed on my side as she walked out. I heard her footsteps as she went down the stairs.

As I layed in bed alone I thought of Jordan. I thought of how she could be laying here beside me, if I wouldn't have fucked up. I thought of what she was doing. I thought of everything I loved about her. I just thought of everything that had to do with her. I missed her.

I had been slepping with Taylor the past week since I had been home. At first she help clear my mind but now as I fucked her I thought of Jordan. I knew it was wrong but I didn't care.

I would have to get over her in the next two months because I was going on tour with her and Cole. This was wrost than anything I had ever been through. I grabbed the the liquor sitting next to my bed. I was already drunk but I still couldn't shake her from my mind.

This was bad, nothing helped clear her from my head anymore. I had to admit I wanted, no needed, Jordan.


~Jordan's POV~

I stared at both tests.

I had tears streaming down my cheeks. This couldn't be right, it couldn't. After I had thought, I came to the conclusion I was late. I ran out of the house and to the nearest drug store. I bought two pregnancy tests and ran back home. I took both tests and they both came out with a blue plus sign. Postive.

I was 99.9% sure I was pregnant. Of course, who was the only person that could be the father? You named it, Aubrey.

I picked my phone up and dialed J's number. My fingers shook as I typed. He answered on the second ring.

"Jordan I'm in the middle of dinner with Nicole." He answered. I only sniffed. "Jordan?"

"Jermaine I need you. Now." I bet he could barely understand me.

"Okay, I'm on the way. I'm bringing Nicole too." He said and hung up. I sat on the floor and curled into a ball. I heard Jermaine come through the door about 30 minutes later. He walked around the house until he came to the bathroom. He walked in with Nicole right behind him. I didn't care if they saw me like this, I needed someone.

"Jordan are you o-" He stopped talking when his eyes landed on the two sticks on the counter. He knew what they were. He walked over to them and looked down to comfirm what he thought. "Are these yours?"

He looked over and I nodded. Nicole walked over to me and started rubbing my back. She sat down on the floor next to me and pulled me into a hug. Jermaine just stared at me. He was at a lost for words. Nicole patted my back and ran her fingers through my hair as she said comforting words.

"It's okay Jordan." She paused. "Just think this could be good."

I cried hard. I couldn't get words past the lump in my throat. Jermaine finally snapped out of his trance and bent down next to me. "Come on Jor it's a good thing. You get to bring a little boy or girl into the world."

I finally formed words. "I'm not ready for that."

Jermaine rubbed my arm. "You can get prepared. You have nine months."

"I can't even take care of myself." They probably couldn't understand me.

"Jordan just trust me, this isn't a bad thing." Nicole siad.

After she said that I didn't argue. We all sat there in silence, the only noise was my quiet sobs and Nicole's soothing words.

My eyelids got heavy and soon I drifted off to sleep.


Well surprise! Btw the thing she remebered on the plane was that she had to go on tour with him, just to make it clear.

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