Chapter 14

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~Jordan's POV~

"Where are we going?" I asked.

Aubrey had blindfolded me and told me we were going on a date. I begged him to take it off but he wouldn't, so I gave up. He knew where he was going because we were in Cali and he had a house here. We just got sone performing and we had 3 nights off. He had been driving for about 10 minutes now. I was fine with this but he didn't bring Spoons or Chubbs. 

"Jordan, baby chill." He said. 

"I can't chill, no one has blindfolded me and taken me somewhere." I told him. "It's not everyday this happens." 

He chuckled at me. "I promise you'll love it."

"Fine, but where ever you're taking me am I even dressed right?" I knew he looked over at me, even though I couldn't see him. I was in a pair of Vans with a crop top and some ripped jeans.

"Yeah I guess, it doesn't matter." He said. "You always look amazing."

"You're so cheesy." I laughed. 

"You're so romatic" He joked. He then turned on the radio. 

"Wait wait." I said.


"Can you play an old CD, one of yours?" I really liked his music.

"Hold on." He leaned over and reached in the glove box. He popped the disc in and it played the first track.

"You picked Take Care, when I asked for and old mixtape?" I chuckled

"You said old CD not mixtape." He laughed. "But I didn't know you listened to anything besides my last two albums."

"Well yeah, I love all of your mixtapes and CDs." I said. 

"Well it doesn't matter cause we're here." I got excited. The car stopped and Aubrey got up and walked around and got me out.

"Now can I?" I asked.

"Damnit Jordan you're not taking it off till we get inside."

"Ugh fine." He slowly lead me in.

"Speed it up some." He complained. 

"Well you know I can't see anything."  He laughed. We came to a stop and he stepped ahead and opened a door. Aubrey grabbed my arm and pulled me in. I was met with OB's loud laugh and a cold breeze.

"The crew is here?" I asked as we keep walking.

"Maybe." We came to a stop.  "You ready?"

"Yes." I said happily. He pulled the blindfold off and I was met with the crew. I looked around and realized where we were.

"Ice skating?" I half asked half said.

"Yeah" Ryan said. "You ever done it before?"

"Well no. But you Canadians probaby have." I paused. "Isn't that like your sport?"

"Well duh." OB said. I looked around again, no one else was here, except a few workers.

"I'm gonna fall on my ass." Everyone laughed. 

"No you won't, I'll catch you." Aubrey smiled and handed me a pair of shoes.

"And you lied." I whispered to Aubrey as we sat down to get skates on. "I'm not dressed right."

"I have your coat in the car if you get cold." He winked, then got up and pulled me up too. "You ready?" 

"Yeah." I said nervously He lead me out to the rink where some of the crew was out already. Spoons was standing watching to make sure no one came in that wasn't welcome. 

Aubrey walked ahead of me and onto the ice, he had perfect balance. On the other hand I stepped on and fell right on my ass. I could hear OB Laugh as he skated by, I flicked him off. I looked at Aubrey who was trying to contian his laughter. He reached his hand out and helped me up. 

Aubrey lead me over to the wall for guidance and stood on the other side. He slowly took me around the rink, I only stumbled a couple times but he caught me. The whole crew wasing skating by us.

"Why are they so good?" I asked. "I mean you guys don't do this as much as you used to, do you?" Right when I finished Ryan and OB came racing by. 

"We do it every once in awhile. And plus we grew up doing this." He smiled. "You ready to actually skate now?"

"Yeah" I let go of the wall but still tightly held Aubrey's hand. 

"Hey she can do it." 40 said. 

"Yeah, this really isn't that bad." I said. I guess this counts cause Aubrey was basically pulling me. "You can let go."

"You sure?"

"Yeah I think I can do it." I told him. "Go skate with the children." I was refering to OB and Ryan. 

"Okay" He chuckled. Aubrey made sure I had my balance before he skated off. He was just as good as the rest, flawlessly skating around the rink. The only person that wasn't that good was Chubbs. I slowly made my way over to him and skated by his side. 

"Hey." He said almost falling over.

"Having trouble?" I asked.

"Yeah, I've only sone this a couple times before." He told me. 

"In North Carolina this wasn''t the norm, and I've never done it before. It's a lot harder than regular skating." I stumbled. "And as you can see I haven't gotten the hang of it."

"Yeah" He laughed. "I'm still not used to it yet."  Right when he said that I tripped and grabbed his coat. We both fell, Chubbs landing on top of me. It took me a second to realized what happened but when I did I started laughing. Chubbs got up as soon as Aubrey came over to help me up.

"You good?" Chubbs asked, when I was off the ground. 

"Yeah." I smiled. "It was my fault anyway, I suck at this. Can I go sit down for a second though?"

"Come on." Aubrey said. "Well you're not very good at this. You managed to knock Chubbs over too."

"I told you that!" I hit him on the arm. "And what happened to being there to catch me?"

"You told me to go away." He sat me down on a bench and smiled at me. "You said you could do it."

"Well obviously I was wrong." We laughed. "When can we go home, cause I really wanna see your house plus I'm worn out and my ass hurts." 

He leaned over. "Well you're gonna be really worn out and you're not even gonna be able to sit when I'm done with you later." I looked over at him and blushed.

"Well lets go then."


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