Chapter 21

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~Aubrey's POV~

I slowly opened my eyes.

The bright sun rays went through the window of my hotel room. I sat up and little and noticed my head was pounding, I quickly got up and ran to the toilet. I released my stomach contents and when I was done I brushed my teeth. I sat in the mirror trying to figure out what happened last night, I was so drunk and high I didn't remember anything. I replayed some events in my head, I remember trying to leave with Jordan, then asking Spoons to take me to her, then I blacked out. Hopefully nothing really important happened last night.

I walked out of the bathroom and got dressed, then packed the small bag I brought to the hotel. I glanced at the clock as I got my Timbs on, I had about ten minutes till I had to be on the tour bus.  I went ahead and walked down to the bus and climbed on. I was met with Chubbs, OB, Jermaine, CJ, Niko, Hush and a few others from the crew. I set my bag down in my room on the bus and sat back down in the main part of the bus.

I started a conversation with OB to pass time, throughout the conversation I kept glancing at the door of the bus, I needed to see Jordan. I didn't just want to see her to figure out what happened, the main reason was because whenever I wasn't with her I felt some kind of withdraw. After about five minutes Ryan came up, with Jordan trailing behind. Jordan walked right past everyone not making eye contact and went right into the room with the bunks. I noticed Ryan made sure to sit as far away from me as possible. I sat back in my seat and got quiet.

I sat there for about an hour, in the same position, not moving, not talking, just thinking. I got a few looks from the boys but the soon realized they needed to leave me alone. I started putting pieces together, I remembered Ryan leaving with Jordan, Jordan didn't want talk or leave with me, Ryan told me to go back while he left. That's when it hit me. I quickly jumped up out of my seat and walked over and stood over Ryan.

"Did you really Ryan?" He looked confused. The room grew silent. " Really how could you do that shit?"

"What?" Ryan asked.

"You know what I'm talking about." I balled my fists.

"No I don't." Ryan stood.

"You slept with Jordan." I yelled pointing in the direction of Jordan. "Like really how could you do something like that? You know I still have feelings towards that girl and you fucked everything up." I pushed him back. "That's fucked up." I brought my fist up and punched him in the face. I felt Spoons grab me and pull me back, as OB and CJ helped Ryan up. Ryan held his nose but it did little to stop the blood flow.

"What the fuck?" I could barely understand Ryan. "I didn't do that shit."

"Drizz you need to chill." Spoons spoke up. "He didn't do that with her."

"Why was he with her then? Why did he not want me to leave? Why did he walk in with Jordan this morning? Why are they always together? Huh? Someone answer that shit." I yelled.

"Aubrey you have this whole story wrong." I heard Jordan's soft voice. She slowly walked over to Ryan with a wet washcloth for his nose, I hadn't even heard her come in. She brought the cloth to his face and helped him hold it.

"See shit like that. Do you love him Jordan?" I came out and asked her. She took her time and made sure Ryan was holding the cloth correctly. She turned around and face me.

"Yes I do, but as a friend. In the way I love Jermaine, not the way I love you. You just need to grow up." She rolled her eyes. "I wish you wouldn't have punched him in the face, I mean was that called for?" She was talking to me like a child right now and I didn't like it.

"I am a grown ass man, don't talk to me like that." She crossed her arms.

"Act like one then." I looked around and noticed the crew watching what we were saying, at this point I didn't care.

"I don't appreciate your attitude." I said angrily.

"I don't appreciate you punching people in  the face when you don't understand something." She knew how to make me mad, and really right now I was madder then I think I had ever been. I grabbed her arm hard and tried to drag her into the room. "Let go of me." I ignored her and kept pulling her, no one in the crew said anything they just watched. They knew I wouldn't hurt her, I just needed privacy. I finally managed to get her into my room and threw her on the bed. "What the fuck?"

"I just need to talk alone." I locked the door and walked over. "When you're not trying to put up a front around people."

"I wasn't putting up a front." She rolled her eyes.

"Just cut the attitude." I stood in front of her, while she sat on the edge of the bed.

"Stop trying to act all tough and shit."

"I'm not. Just tell me what happened last night." She looked down and didn't speak. I bent down and grabbed her chin. "Just tell me I won't be mad."

"Yes you will." I pulled her closer and pecked her lips, she didn't back away like I thought she would. I kissed her again, this time I pulled her close and my tongue entered her mouth. She wrapped her arms around my neck and climbed in my lap. I pulled away and caressed her cheek.

"Just tell me."  She sighed and put her head in the crook of my neck.

"I'm..." The rest of it was whispered so I couldn't hear.

"You're what?" I asked, I started running my hands through her hair.

 "Pregnant." I stopped moving.


"I'm pregnant" I felt tears spill through my shirt.

"Don't cry Jordan, it's okay." I rubbed her back.

"No you'll hate me and the baby. You don't even love me anymore." She mumbled.

"No, I won't hate you." I paused. " You know I love you right? I mean I wouldn't have punched my cousin in the face for just any random girl."

"You mean that?" She chuckled. "I'm the only one." She brought her face out and looked me in the eye.

"Yes Jordan I mean it. I wouldn't punch Ryan in the face for any old girl. I love you." I pecked her lips.

"I would punch my cousin in the face for you too." She sniffed.


A picture of Jordan is on the side thing.

Sorry I haven't updated, I'm more focused on 'Over My Dead Body,' but I will do a better job of writing this one. I hope you liked.

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