Chapter 15

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As we pulled up in a driveway I felt my tummy do summer salts, Jason literally zoomed down the borders at like 290mph. He's such a rebel.

My rebel.

As I opened the car door and walked out, Jason quickly grabbed my hand and opened the front door of a regular sized house, as we walked into a dark hallway, there were TV noises coming from a small room on my right.

Jason walked straight in of course dragging me in from behind.

"Hey boys, here's the girl you've been waiting for" Jason said as he looked at all 4 of them (one was even a girl!, has Jason been living with her??)

As I looked up I saw 3 faces on me.

One boy who had light brown hair and greeted me with a simple smile.

"Sup I'm chaz" he winked, I couldn't help but giggle when I noticed another boy making silly faces behind chaz.

"And I'm Ryaaaan" said the boy making silly faces said, they all looked the same age as me and Jason and were both pretty hot.

Just not 'Jason Hot' though.

"And this is Leah" mumbled Jason as Me and Leah exchanged smiles, she stood up to shake my hand but when she noticed I was holding onto Jason's, her smile slowly faded.

Ugh, jealous!

And then I noticed a tall male figure at the back of the room looking out of a window, I couldn't help but glare at his athletic figure from the back and his golden brown hair shining from the sunlight rays of the window.

"Thats Justin, don't talk unless he does first and try not getting to know him please" Jason whispered as he motioned me to sit on the couch.

Chaz, Ryan and Leah all suddenly stood up in sync when I sat down and walked out along with Jason who gave me a quick 'I'm sorry' face.


I looked down at my nails I hadn't filed them in ages! As I continued admiring my ugly nails I felt the couch go down a bit, as I looked to my left I saw the guy who was standing at the window. He was just perfect.

He was looking straight at the TV and took no acknowledgement of my presence. I continued to stare at him.

He had warm choclatey eyes, that had a sweet glint to them, soft plump pink lips and a piggish but cute button nose, his hair was up and he had a sleeve of tattoos, he even had one of an eye as I continued drifting off I didn't notice that I was still in reality and


"Take a picture shawty it'll last longer" he said with this raspy voice as he smiled at me I couldn't help but smile back, he was just ugh perfect.

"You must be Amber, I'm justin" he said as he put his hand out, I instantly grabbed it and began to shake when he suddenly grabbed my wrist and swung me onto him, one leg on each side of his. He looked deep into my eyes and I felt him leaning in, should I stop him?

He got really close because I could feel his breath on my neck.

As I leaned in I heard a noise.

Someone was walking in this rooms direction. I quickly scrambled back to my place and pretended to be interested in the TV. It was only Leah who walked in and gave me the death glare like what the hell have I done to her?

"Get up, I'll show you to your room" she mumbled.

She quickly left the room, I got up to follow her and I felt someone pinch my butt, as I turned around and saw Justin smiling, he whispered something when I walked out though. 'Slag' was all I heard.


AM I REALLY A..A ....???


A.N ; a slag is a British word which has a similar meaning to whore/slut.

Thanks for reading guys.

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