Through His Eyes

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A/N This chapter has been edited!

I walk through the doors of Skyle High School, another day of senior year. It is only Tuesday and I am already wanting it to be Saturday. At least, when I'm at school, I get to spend more time with my friends. I smile, excited to see them.

I head straight to my locker, unlocking it and pulling out my first period binder. My hand fumbles and I lose grasp of the binder. I watch as it falls, papers scattering everywhere. I sigh in defeat. I'm way too tired for this.

I crouch down and start picking up the papers as students pass by, some stepping on my homework. People are so inconsiderate sometimes. I move my long curly brown hair to one side, moving it out of my way.

Hi, my name is Hailee Cast, a 17 year old girl with bright blue eyes, I'm 5 foot 5 with natural curly brown hair, and I'm plus size, at least compared to most girls my age. Yes, I have curves but because of them, guys in school don't look twice at me, the exception being my guy friends Jake and Spencer.

Most guys look at me with disgust in their eyes, as if I have some contagious disease. I've never been skinny, I've always been on the curvier side so I've gotten used to the looks and it doesn't hurt that much anymore.

"Need a hand?" A strong and deep male voice asks. I look up and my breath catches. There, standing over me, is one of the most attractive guys I have ever seen. He has dark brown hair, styled in that messy, just got out of bed look, he has a strong sharp jaw with some stubble on it, like he hasn't shaved in a couple of days.

His eyes, oh man his eyes, they are such a beautiful deep green color, they want to pull me in and never let go. He is towering above me, he must be at least 6 Foot One. Last, but certainly not least, his physique, he is lean and muscular but not overly muscular, his black t-shirt clings to his body, hugging his muscular biceps and chest that show he definitely works out.

I tear my eyes away from his physique and move back up to his face, which now has a smirk on it from catching me staring. He starts picking up my papers, his face now showing an amused smile. Why is he helping me? Who is he? I don't think I've seen him before. I continue to pick up my papers, trying not to look at him.

I've learned from past experiences that good looking guys like him will be nice to me at first, making me think they are different than the others only to make fun of me for believing their act.

Together, we finish picking up all my papers. He hands me the stack he collected and I put them all back in my binder, making sure I have a firm grip on it this time. The handsome guy heling me stands and offers his hand down to me. I look at it for a moment before sliding my hand in his cautiously. His hand is warm and strong in mine as he pulls me to my feet.

I quickly pull my hand out of his and put a small smile on my face, a small wary smile, worried the punch line will come any moment.

"Thank you for your help." I say then turn around and start heading for my first period class when he moves in front of me, making me stop in my tracks. He smiles, a wide, bright smile which reaches his eyes.

"I didn't get a chance to introduce myself." He says, holding out his hand. Is he really just a nice guy or does he have something up his sleeve? I refuse to let another guy make a joke out of me.

"I'm Cameron Blake." Cameron Blake, why does his name sound familiar? I'm pretty sure I've never seen him before. I reach out and hesitantly shake his hand.

"I'm Hailee Cast and I'm going to be late for first period." I say, moving my hand out of his and stepping around him. I continue walking to class only to have Cameron fall into step beside me. What is he up to? Doesn't he get the hint? I don't exactly like to meet new people, not after being hurt so many times.

"I'll walk you to class." Cameron says, making a statement, not asking for permission. I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Why?" I ask, suspiciously. He just smiles and continues to walk besides me. I don't know him and I certainly don't trust him. Guys like him don't talk to me, not unless it's part of some joke. I notice several people looking at us and whispering as we pass by. I ignore them and try to ignore the pit of anxiety forming in my stomach.

"Have we met before? Your name sounds familiar." I ask, my curiosity overpowering me. Cameron shakes his head.

"I would have definitely remembered meeting you." What does he mean by that? I push away my negative thoughts, trying to be positive but also trying to keep myself safe. I am not a pessimistic or negative person, I just have been hurt so many times and I have learned to protect myself, to deflect the pain and embarrassment.

The first bell goes off, signaling us that it's time to get to class just as I get to my first period door. I turn to Cameron.

"Thank you." I say awkwardly. Just because I suspect he may be up to something, doesn't mean I'm going to be rude. I'm not a mean person. He nods, smiling.

"I'll see you around Hailee." He says, walking away. I step into class and see Makayla, one of the meanest girls in school, glaring at me. I roll my eyes at her and take my seat. She's your stereotypical mean girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes, really skinny and really tall, she has hated me since freshmen year for no other reason except I'm not a size 2.

I pull out last night's homework just as the teacher starts to talk.


I walk into the cafeteria and head towards my usual table where my three best friends are waiting for me to join them. First there is Kylie, she's in her senior year, like me, she's 18 with short black hair that ends just above her shoulders, she has a petite figure, only a couple of inches shorter than me, brown eyes and she is very beautiful, kind and caring, we've known each other since our freshmen year and she is dating Jake.

Jake is a senior as well, 18, he has brown hair that's buzz cut, blue eyes, 6 foot, muscular in a modest way and I've known him since the end of freshmen year. He's very protective of Kylie and I, he acts like an older brother even though we are in the same year.

Kylie and Jake have been dating since the beginning of our sophomore year and they are still going strong.

Last but not least is Spencer. Spencer has dirty blonde hair, more brown then blonde, bright blue eyes, he's muscular from football training, he's 6 foot 1, nice, sweet, and very protective. I've known him since sophomore year. We met in class when we were partnered for a project and we've been close ever since.

"Hey Hails." Jake says, smiling. I smile back and take my usual seat beside Spencer and across from Kylie and Jake.

"How's your day been?" Kylie asks. I sigh and lean back in my seat.

"Fine except Makayla was shooting me glares in class and some guy helped me pick up papers I dropped and insisted on walking me to class." Kylie's eyebrows raise, a huge smile on her face.

"A guy walked you to class? Was he hot?" Kylie asks. I sigh again, knowing where this is going. Kylie has been trying to find me a guy since the moment we met. I see Jake looking at Kylie offended. I chuckle.

"I'm sitting right here." Jake asks. Kylie smiles at her boyfriend and lays her hand on his arm.

"I didn't mean for me, I meant for Hailee." She turns back to me, her eyes expectant, practically bouncing in her seat. All of a sudden a couple of girls start to giggle and whispers are heard around the popular senior table. I look around, confused, not understanding what is making them act this way.

"Oh my god." I hear Kylie say.

"What are they looking at?" I ask and her eyes meet mine.

"The new guy, he started here a couple of weeks back, he's gorgeous and tons of girls are after him. I've heard rumors that at his last school he was a player and a bad boy." Who is this guy? I don't think I've seen him yet. I follow the direction everyone is staring and freeze.

"You've got to be kidding me."

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