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2nd July, Anna's 17th birthday, 10 months after 'that day'

"Happy birthday." Monica, Aaron and my mum shouted as I walked downstairs. I half ran to Monica and Aaron, enveloping them in a hug before I moved to my mum.
"Thanks guys." I smiled as the thrust presents under my nose. "I told you guys not to get me anything!" I rolled my eyes as I took the presents, I mean they've got them now... I might as well.

I opened Aaron's first. He got me a bag and inside was a travel size Ted Baker lotion and perfume. I got up, running to him and jumping on him. "Hey! That's my boyfriend." Monica said smiling.
"Thank you so much. How did you know what bag I wanted?" I asked, smiling uncontrollably. He shrugged as he smiled back goofily.
"Open mine now." Monica said, interrupting the moment. She handed me a soft package. I ripped it open. My face dropped when I saw what it was but I tried to keep a smile on my face. "You got me.... Bikinis." I smiled at her as I held them up, my hands visibly shaking. I could tell from Aaron's face, he knew how I felt.
"There's more." Monica smiled. I lifted up a dress. It was quite short but it was cute...I guess.
"Thank you Monica!" I hugged her tightly and she hugged back.
"It will make sense soon." She smiled.
Then my mum handed me a card. I opened it to see what cute message was inside, I didn't need presents and was happy with just a hug.

As I opened the card, a little slip of paper fell out. I picked it up, reading the message in the card 'Hopefully you can spread your good vibes on the other side...' I smiled as I bent down to pick the paper up. My eyes scanned over it. "Holy shit." I screamed, jumping up. I covered my mouth, "Sorry."
"Fuck." I looked up at my mum again.
"Just get it all out." She sighed as she leant against the counter.
"Holy fucking shit. Do you guys see this. What the actual fuck. This is a fucking prank. Shit you guys.... I'm going to LA!!!" I half jumped as I hugged my mum, moving to Monica and then Aaron.
"How long?" My mum asked. I looked over the ticket. I looked over it again. "Catch." My mum said, throwing me... Keys.
"Noooo...You guys are pranking me." Aaron shook his head. I bent down, putting my hands to my face. "You guysss..." I shakily picked the ticket up again, reading it. Next week. "Oh my God."
I half ran to my mum, hugging her again. "I love you Anna."
"I love you too. I love all you guys so much."
"We love you too." Monica called back.
I'm moving to LA....

Monica woke me up. She had her hand stuffed in her mouth, trying not to make noise while she laughed uncontrollably. In the background I could hear this beastly snoring. I clutched at my stomach, trying not to laugh. 'Aaron?' I mouthed. She nodded as I put a hand over my mouth. I snorted as he snored loudly, I swear I could feel the floor shaking. I looked over to see his mouth was wide open as he sprawled out on the floor. I reached for my phone, already on snapchat. I recorded him and posted it to my story. They stayed over seeing as it was my birthday and today we were supposed to be going shopping.

My mum came in about 20 minutes later and told us we had to get up or we would miss the sales. Aaron shot up in confusion making Monica and I collapse in laughter. We eventually were all ready to leave for the shops. Monica called shotgun so Aaron and I sat in the back. "But it's my birthday..." I whined.
"Was. Yesterday." Monica corrected me. I huffed as I plugged my seatbelt in.
"Am I that bad?" Aaron sighed, looking sad.
"No. Don't worry, I love you Aaron." I said scooting over to him and hugging him. "Like a brother, of course. You're not my type." I laughed as Monica gave me evils in the mirror.
"Thanks." Aaron said, pushing me off of him and looking out the window like he was in a music video.
"Monica, you need to sort out your boyfriend."
"I know..." She sighed as we pulled up to the mall. My mum parked and we all got out.

"Where to first?" Mum asked as Aaron wrapped his arm around Monica. I took a quick picture of them while they weren't looking.
"Umm... I don't know. I don't care." I replied.
"Let's just walk around then." My mum sighed. We walked ahead while Aaron and Monica followed. Slowly.

After 3 hours of buying clothes and wash stuff to take, and a suitcase Aaron started moaning.
"I'm hunggrrryyyyy." Monica rolled her eyes while my mum smiled at him.
"C'mon then, Aaron's hungry so we should probably should feed him before he collapses due to malnourishment." My mum joked. Aaron walked ahead to the food court while I walked with Monica, linking arms with her.

We sat down and ate McDonald's, discussing the plans for next week.
"Ok. I can't hold this in any longer..." Monica said, looking like she was going to burst.
"Monica..." My mum said warningly.
She sighed as she looked down at her drink.
"What?" I said, alert. "Tell me." I whined.
Aaron shook his head.
It was silent until my mum announced that she had to take us home because she had a meeting.

We all piled into the car and mum dropped us at home. We watched films for the rest of the day until my mum got home because I didn't want to be left alone. They left at about 11pm and I went to bed, thinking about LA.

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