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My alarm went off and I groaned. I hadn't heard that in just under a year...
I threw the covers off of me, grabbing my crutches and going to my bathroom. I was at my mums house so there was no one to help me. I showered and brushed my teeth. I just put my hair into a messy bun because school and put on some shorts, a sweatshirt and a converse. It was impossible for me to wear jeans with a broken ankle.

I packed my bag and put it on my back as I sat down at the top of the stairs. I slid down, getting up at the bottom and hopping to the kitchen where I grabbed a waffle out the cupboard. My phone rang in my bag. I shuffled around, getting it out and answering it.
"Hey Eth."
"Hey baby, I'm at your door, the others are in the car."
"Ok, I'm coming." I ended the call and picked my bag up, hopping to the door. I opened it and the heat hit me? It was still so hot and it was September.

Ethan helped me to the car and I got in the back with Gray, Clara on his lap and Monica. Aaron was in the front. Ethan drove us to school and he parked up. Most people stared as he got out, helping me out. I kissed him quickly as Clara and Gray said goodbye.

All 4 of us walked into school, everyone staring at us as Clara spoke away, excited as she's never been to American School. We made it to the office as the bell rang. We had a talk and then we had to go to the gym for assembly. We were some of the last people in and as I looked at everyone. I made eye contact with Meredith. What was she doing here? Ethan didn't say anything. She gave me a dirty look and I just looked down as I hopped over to the seats.

After the assembly we had to go to our first lesson. Clara waited with me so I didn't get trampled on because we had class together. Monica and Aaron had double Chem so they went off together.
"Is this school not just amazing?" Clara gushed. I shrugged my shoulders. "I feel like I'm in high school musical." I smiled at her. The halls were empty now, everyone must be in their lessons.

As we were walking I heard wolf whistles behind us. I turned around to see these two guys walking towards us. I sped up a bit as we turned right. They ran up behind us, putting their arms around us.
"Sorry, we have boyfriends." Clara said, pushing the guy off of her.
"We know, the two douches. They don't have to find out..."
"Don't you have class?" I spat.
"We're helping you..."
I rolled my eyes.
"There." Clara said, pointing to a door. "We don't need your help anymore." She smiled.
"That's our class too." He smiled. I sighed as we opened the door. The room was chaotic. Everyone was talking and shouting and running around. Some guys were play fighting in the corner. When we walked in everyone turned to us.

"I know her..."
"I've seen them before..."
"Do you think they have boyfriends?"
"I swear they're dating the Dolans..."

Everyone started whispering about us as we walked in. I sat right at the back and everyone turned to look at us. I waved awkwardly and everyone turned around. We did no work for the whole double period, although I'm not complaining. it was the same for the next two lessons and I was so happy when lunch came around.

Clara and I met Monica and Aaron outside and we sat down on a bench. It was quite quiet out here, there were just a few people standing over by the far wall, I think they were smoking. I turned back to face Monica and Aaron when one of them caught my eyes. Was it Jason? He saw me looking and waved. It was.
"Guys, I'm just going over there?" I said pointing to him.
"Are you sure?" Aaron said.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I said getting up.

I started hopping over to him. "Anna!" He said, smiling. He threw his cigarette on the floor, stubbing it out. He hugged me and I realised he was smoking weed. I bit my lip. This wasn't good.
"How are you?" He said, walking over to another bench. I sat down next to him.
"Well, I have a broken ankle and ... Yeah. I'm good. I guess."
He nodded. "Are you and that douche still together?"
I nodded. "He's not a douche... He's just very...protective."
"Do ya mind." He said, pulling another spliff out. I did but... I couldn't say put it away.
"Go ahead." I said, smiling weakly. I turned around, away from the smoke. It took me one puff to get hooked before, I just hoped I was stronger now.

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