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1 month later

"Yes mum." I sighed, as I kissed her cheek, pulling out of her driveway. She's finally moved to LA and has a 2 bedroom house. It's quite big and has 3 bathrooms. She also brought me a car so I could travel better between her and Ethan.

I knocked on the door of my old apartment, Monica and Aaron's now. "Hey babe!" I said hugging Monica.
She was shaking. "What's wrong?" I asked.
"I missed it."
"What? Shit." I realised what she said. "Have you taken any tests?" She shook her head, tears starting to fall. "Don't cry. It'll be alright. Come on." She put some trainers on and I held her hand as she locked the door. "Come with me to see Ethan first and we'll go."

I walked down the hall and unlocked the door. I guess it was kinda my apartment as well... I don't know I was living wherever was easier that night. "Hey Clara." I said, hugging her. She must've stayed the night.
"Hey Anna. Hey Moni-. Hey what's wrong?" Monica burst into tears. I left Clara to console her and went to find Ethan.

"Mr Ethan Dolan? Where you at? Are you packed?" I said, opening his door. He was in bed with about 5 pillows over his head. I shook him and he groaned. "What's up baby?"
"So much fucking noise." He growled. "Grayson fucks so loud." I couldn't help but laugh.
"Sorry.... Are you ready? We have to leave in 2 hours."
"Help me..." He whined.
"I can't."
"I have to take Monica to the pharmacy..."
"Why are you so nosy?"
"I'm worried. She's my friend too." He pouted.
"She thinks she pregnant." I blurted out. Ethan pulled that face that you pull when someone falls over and you don't know what to do, if you should help the, or not. "If you tell anyone, ie, Gray or Aaron. Especially Gray, his mouth is bigger than the fucking washing machine, I will slit your balls open and you can watch your scrotum drop on the floor." He winced, and his hands went down to his pants and I couldn't not laugh.
"And, and. I'm not joking."
"Ok ok. Crazy lady. Now let me caress my balls in peace after you just gave them nightmares for the next 10 years."
"That's if they live that far..." I snickered, as I bent down to kiss him. He moved out the way.
"How could you not expect me to swerve you like that after you just..." He shivered.
"Fine." I put my middle finger up. "You need to shave anyway. You look like my dad." He smirked. "I said dad. Not daddy. You'll look like my daddy when you shave." I blew him a kiss and left the room.

"Grayson Bailey Dolan." I shouted, opening his bedroom door.
"Wait..." He put his hand over his dick.
"It's a bit late for that." I snorted. "I'm pretty sure this is the 36th time I've seen your dick. Just put some pants on." I stood there as he rushed around, looking flustered. While he put his boxers on, I continued to talk to him.
"My boyfriend, ie your twin brother says you fuck too loud, so keep the noise down yeah?" He smirked.
"Or what?"
"Ask your brother what I just threatened to do to him and get back to me on that one." He rolled his eyes.
"And don't roll your eyes at me. There's a lot I could say to Clara. Be ready to leave in 2 hours." He sighed and I left the room.
"Crazy bitch." I heard him mutter.

I went to Clara and Monica. "Call Grayson." I said to Clara.
"Grayson." He came running. I sneaked up behind him and pulled his boxers down. Clara bent over, gasping for breath whilst I was in the flor, screaming with laughter while Gray stood there looking confused with his pants round his ankles. Ethan came running in his boxers, still clutching his area. "Bro. Come on. You're 17. Can you not fix up?" I started to cry I was laughing so hard and I got a stitch.

"Omg." I said, getting up. "Come. On. Monica." I said between breaths. We left Clara standing there laughing as her boyfriend stood there with his trousers round his ankles.

We pulled up outside the pharmacy. "Anna I'm scared...." Monica said, her leg bouncing.
"What do you want the result to be?"
"I mean, of course. I want to have children with Aaron- I love him. But. It's not the right time. If I am, of course I'd be happy and everything but it would just be easier if I wasn't. Y'know." I nodded.
"Stay here. I'll get them." I closed the door, holding my purse as I walked to the aisle, picking 5 up. I wanted to keep some, just in case. I paid for them and the cashier wished me good luck. I handed her 3 and kept 2.
"Thank you!" She said, reaching over and hugging me.
"I hope you get the result you want..."
I started the car, driving home.

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