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"Omg." I screamed at Monica as we stood outside this massive house. Who knew we would end up here, we only went to have a good bye meal. Then I realised, this is the first party I've Been to... Since. I gripped onto Ethan's arm.

"It's ok, I understand. I won't leave you." He wrapped his arm around and we walked up together.
"Yo Ethan!" Some guys called, calling him over. When I got closer I realised it was Jake Paul.
"Hey, Jake." He said, doing some handshake with him while I stood there awkwardly. "This is my girl, Anna."
"Hey Anna." He said, kissing my cheek and hugging me.
"H-hi." I said, smiling like a madwoman.

Every time someone called Ethan he would introduce me. Then I saw Monica. "I'm going with Monica." I said in his ear over the loud music.
"You sure?" He said, looking concerned.
I nodded as he kissed me. Everyone awed.

"This is crazy!" She screamed at me, sipping some drink.
"What you drinking?" I shouted back. She took my arm, pulling me to the kitchen. There was alcohol every where. I knew jake Paul was legal but I don't many other people were. We certainly weren't. Monica didn't look too drunk so I poured myself a little bit of Ciroc. Monica took over and filled the cup opus with it. I shook my head. "I can't drink this!" I shouted.
"You can!" She nodded, pushing it upto my face. I sipped it and it burned my throat. I spluttered and she laughed at me.

I pouted at her and drank some more. She cheered when I put the empty cup down. I held her arm, dragging her to the dance floor where we danced against each other. Some older guys came up to us. One of the, pulled Monica away and the other one grabbed my waist from behind, dancing with me.

Suddenly, he was pulled away from me. I turned around and Ethan was straddling him on the floor throwing punches as Aaron was fighting the other guy in the corner. Monica stood there crying as I tried to pull Ethan off of this guy. "What the fuck Kian." Ethan growled as this guys nose started to breath.
"Ethan stop!" I screamed as everyone crowded us, no one bothering to break it up.

Grayson ran over to us and Cameron pulled Aaron and this other guy apart. "Grayson. Stop him." I said, as the guy under Ethan was unconscious. Grayson pulled him off of the poor guy and dragged him outside as the guy Aaron was fighting rushed to his friends said. Aaron grabbed me and Monica, taking us outside.

I was sick on the curb, clutching my stomach. Monica rubbed my back as Ethan, Aaron and Grayson argued in the background. "Let's go." Monica said, helping me up and we started to walk past the guys, back to the town.
"Where are you going?" Ethan scoffed.
"Home." I spat.
"Umm... No you're not. You're coming with me." I rolled my eyes, continue to walk with Monica.

Aaron picked Monica up, taking her back to where Grayson was standing and Ethan dragged me over there as well.
"What was that Ethan? He's fucking unconscious. If he presses charges, you're getting arrested." He rolled his eyes.
"And you too Aaron." I said, turning to him.

"He was touching Monica. What do you expect me to do?"
"Not kick his ass. Thats what."
"So you expect us just to watch those sleaze bags touch up our girlfriends while you're drunk and vulnerable. What if he wants to do other things and you're not in the right frame of mind to say no" That shut everyone up. He knew that was a low blow and so did everyone else apart from Grayson.

"Am I missing something?" He asked.
I rolled my eyes as I started walking down the street. I kinda didn't know my way home but I'm not staying with that dick. We literally just had make-up sex like 6 hours ago. Wtf.

"Anna wait." He said, running up to me.
"Fuck off Ethan." I said, crying.
"Don't cry, I'm sorry." He said, standing in front of me.
"What do you mean. I told you whatever I told you because I trusted you and thought you had the right to know. You knew that was the first party I've been to and you know that it was hard for me to stand there and talk to all those people. No matter how much of an act I put on. You knew what I was like the first time you walked into my apartment. You knew that I was fucked up. How fucking dare you use my past like that against me to justify you beating the shit out of that guy. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you." I started going crazy, hitting him and pushing him while he just stood there, taking it.

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