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Ethan's POV

"Bro.....I fucked up." I said, pacing up and down my room as Grayson lounged on the bed, his hands behind his head.
"I'm still confused as to what happened..." Gray said as he sipped his, whatever it was in that cup.
"Meredith." Grayson shook his head.
"I told you something like his would happen. You didn't listen..." He trailed off, sipping his drink again.
"You don't understand... I love Anna. And she's gonna leave me because of this stupid bitch. Ugh."
"Why don't you ask mum?" He suggested.
"I haven't even told her about Anna." If I tell her about Anna she'll start gushing and want to meet her and I don't feel like Anna's ready for that, she only just trusted me. Well that's out the window...
"I think you should just stop worrying, maybe text her and just sleep on it. Ya'know? If you have nothing to worry about, you'll be fine. Do you have anything to worry about?" Gray asked, tilting his head so he looked really retarded.
"No. I spoke to a waitress... Does that count? Look, I love Anna. I would never do anything to hurt her. I think she's serious."
"Dude.... You think she's serious..." He sat up, putting his drink on my cabinet. "You need to tell mum before she finds out through social media."
"I know." I said, sitting next to him as I put my head in my hands. I could feel tears coming and I really don't know why. "I just really like her Gray. She's really special. And she's gone through so much. I ju-"

"What's going on here? Ethan. Are you okay?" My mum asked, first poking head around the door and then opening it completely.
"Umm... Can I speak to you actually, please?"
"Of course, come to my room."

"Good luck." Grayson whispered as I wiped my eyes, walking to mums room.

"Now what's up?" She asked, tapping the empty space on the bed next to her, signalling for me to sit down. I sat down, looking at my feet.
"There's....this girl... Her names Anna. I guess we're together... But I don't know for how much longer..." My mum rubbed my back as I sniffed. "You know Meredith... She spoke to Anna and told her shit- sorry lies a-about me and now Anna's r-really upset- a-and she won't answer my t-texts and I really love her and I d-don't want to break her h-heart because she's been through s-so m-much already." I covered my face as I started to hyperventilate.

"Ethan... Calm down." My mum said as she rubbed my back. "Youre going to have a panic a attack and you're no use to anyone in that state."
That made me more upset and angry. The first time we properly spoke was when Anna was having a panic attack. "You're just going to get yourself into more of a state. Ethan!" My mum said as I clutched my chest. She knelt down in front of me, holding my hands. "If you don't calm down right now, I'm not gonna be able to let you go back to LA- and I mean it." I knew she was being completely serious and I had to control my breathing.

I took deep breaths, thinking about Anna's voice calming me down. Soon I was breathing normally again.
"Right. So the problem is, Anna is angry at you because of what Meredith said." I nodded. "So tomorrow, when you get back, explain that she's lying. Is she lying?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know what she said..."
"So how do you-"
"Monica, Anna's best Friend rang me, she was there when it happened."
"Well, have you done anything? To be ashamed of, or to make Anna angry?" I shook my head. I knew definitely not.
"I love her too much."
"So what's the problem?"
"I don't know." I admitted. "I think I just scared to lose her..."
"You won't lose her if you treat her right." My mum said as she stood up, kissing the top of my head. "I have some things to sort out. Do you still want me to take you to the airport at 9?"
"Yes please." I whispered as she left the room.

I wiped my face and went to start packing.

Anna's POV

"Omg no." I said, sniffing as Harley Quinn jumped into the pool of whatever that white stuff was. It was actually really beautiful scene if you thought about it deeply enough. When her and the joker came back up together and gangsta by kehlani started playing I actually started to cry. I shovelled the now really soft ice cream into my mouth as I cried silently. She gave up everything, even her sanity- to be with him and he considered throwing it all away. I'm not saying he did, but he considered walking away.

I got up, going to the toilet quickly and grabbing a wipe and running back so I didn't miss the film. By the end of the film, Aaron and Monica were sleeping. They must've had a late one last night... I got up, leaving all the rubbish everywhere and going to bed.

I laid in bed contemplating if I really wanted to make this decision. Before I knew what was happening I was typing in 'Meredith and Ethan Dolan'. So much came up, most of it saying how they never confirmed they were dating and loads of fan theories about how they still hang out....interesting. There was actually quite alot of hate for 'Meredick Mickelhoe' as I learned her name was, from the Twins' fans.

It was quite funny to read, actually and I realised the fans all thought what I thought when I first saw her... He lips were really hugely disproportionate to her face.

My heart dropped when I realised, how would the fans react to me? Would they think the same? Maybe it was better if Ethan and I just call it a day.... Maybe it would be better for all of us....

I Carried on reading. She broke up with him? And apparently he was really upset over it? I switched my phone off, plugging it in. This was too confusing.

I closed my eyes but all I could think about was Ethan. Maybe he was just using me?

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