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"Aaron...are you coming shopping with us?" I called from the bedroom as Monica and I got ready.
"Ummm....nah. I have some things to do." He shouted.
"Ok." I looked at Monica. "That two-piece looks so cute on you. Omg. I have to borrow it!"
"Aww thanks. I brought it ages ago."
I went back to putting my shorts on and finished my makeup with some highlighter.

"You ready?" I asked as Monica came out the bathroom.

"Yep..." She said as she applied her lipgloss.

"Damn girl... You looking fiiinnnneeeee." I said as she pouted in the mirror.


Monica (ignore the tattoos):

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Monica (ignore the tattoos):

"First, I wanna go to pandora and get another charm for my bracelet

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"First, I wanna go to pandora and get another charm for my bracelet." I said, as I parked the car.
"Ok. Can we get food soon cos I'm actually gonna pass out." Monica said as she got out the car.
"All you do is eat. I swear." I said, chuckling as we walked through the mall. "Oooh look, pandora." I said, dragging Monica in front of the crowds of shoppers. Surprisingly, pandora was empty for the first time ever.

"Hi, can I help you?" A pretty worker said.
"Yes, actually. Do you have the floating heart?"
"Yeah, I'll get it, give me 2 minutes."
"Thank you." I smiled as she walked off.

"She's so pretty!" Monica said as I turned to her.
"I know... What food do you wanna eat?" Her eyes lit up.
"We can get pizza or Chinese or just get burgers..." She floated off, looking into the distance.

I shook my head as the lady appeared again.
"Do you want to buy it?" She asked as I looked at it.
"Yes please."
"Follow me." She said as she walked to the checkout, wrapping up the charm.

"That will be $60 please." I handed her the card.
"It's so cute isn't it." I said, nudging Monica.
"Mhhhmmm... I'm gonna get Aaron to buy me one."
"Yeeesssss. We can be matching!"
"Here you are." The lady said, giving me my bag and my card.
"Thank you." I said, taking the bag and smiling.

Monica hooked her arm in mine and dragged me to the food court. "Ooohhh... Let's get pizza." She said excitedly, pointing to some pizza place.
"Let's go then..." I said, sighing.
We got seated straight away and ordered our food. We just got one pizza to share because I wasn't that hungry.

Once we finished I put my charm on my bracelet. "It's so cute!" Monica gushed.
"Thanks babes. Anywhere else you wanna go?"
"Can we just walk around?"
"Good idea." I said, picking my bags up.

We walked out the restaurant and I was looking behind when I accidentally bumped into some girl.
"I'm so sorry." I said. She just gave me a dirty look and I was a bit taken aback.
"Wait- don't I know you..." I shook my head. She looked like she could be pretty but she was trying too hard. She had long blonde hair and bright blue eyes and really big lips. Too big. "Yes I do. I've seen you on snapchat. I'm Meredith." She put her hand out and I shook it hesitantly. "Ethan's ex." I dropped her hand as she looked at me smugly.
"I-I'm Anna. But you probably already know that." I said, laughing awkwardly. Why did Ethan still have her? What was happening?

"Yeah...um. I wouldn't trust anything Ethan says. He's a cheater and liar. And he's gonna break your heart. Be especially careful when he goes to NJ. He has special side bitches on the side. If you noticed, he will never Invite you and when you ask to come with him, he'll come up with excuses and reasons not to go. And I wouldn't trust Grayson either, he will support Ethan even when he does wrong." I looked at Monica as she stood there with her mouth wide open.
"Um.. Thank you?" I said, shaking.
"Your welcome. I just don't want him to use you and leave you. You look to innocent for that." She flashed me a smile and walked off.
"Can we go." I said, quietly.
"I'll drive." Monica said, taking my arm and helping me outside.

I sat in the passenger seat, putting my seat belt in. I held my tears in, looking out the window as I bit my nails.
"Anna.... She's probably just a jealous ex."
"Don't think about it too much Anna."
"Monica. What do I really know about Ethan? We've only known each other for 2 months tomorrow, when he comes back and he's been away for a week and a half of that. I don't think I can do this."
"Anna listen... You're being silly now. How can you trust this Meredith? We're nearly at home. I'll speak in a minute, let me focus."
I looked out the window again as a tear slipped down my cheek. I wiped it away and squeezed my eyes tight shut.

"Come on Anna." Monica said, picking my bags up. I got out the car, running up to the lift and pressing the bell. "Anna wait." Monica called as the lift closed. I ran to the apartment, knocking on the door. Aaron opened it and I barged past him.
"Anna?" He called after me.
I ran into my room, closing the door. It still didn't have a fucking lock so I sat in front of the door so no one could open it. I broke down, sobbing into my knees.

"What happened Monica?" Aaron shouted.
"Some girl. It might not even be Ethan's ex but she said some shit. And it was bad." I heard them discussing what happened. I looked down at the bracelet, taking the charm off and throwing it across the room. It was supposed to symbolise our relationship. That was before I realised he was lying to me.

Someone knocked at the door. "Go away!" I shouted.
"Anna. Can we talk?" It was Aaron. I shuffled forward so he could come in. He closed the door, sitting down next to me on the floor.
"I don't know what to believe..." I said, covering my face as I cried.
"Come..." Aaron said, opening his arms. I leant into him, crying into his shirt. "Don't cry Anna. There's no point. When Ethan comes back, the best thing to do is just to ask him tomorrow. Ask him if... You know. What ever this girl said. Ask him if they even went out because she might just be a crazy fan. Ok? Don't get upset over it now because you're just gonna get yourself worked up." I nodded as I wiped my nose.

"Thank you Aaron." I said hugging him.

I went to the bathroom and washed my face, tying my hair up into a messy bun and putting on sweatpants and a jumper.

I walked into the living room to see Monica flicking through the TV channels. "Hey." I said, hugging her from behind.
"Oh, Aaron went to get snacks for for the movie, I thought we could watch suicide squad?"
"Yassss!" I smiled, trying to take my mind off Ethan.

"Actually, before Aaron gets back, I'm gonna go and change and put your big hollister jumper on."
"Third draw." I said, as she took her suitcase to my room.
As soon as she closed the door I heard her talking. "Hello?...Ethan............you've fucked up..............Anna's heartbroken............you better think of some excuses.................some girl called Meredith................yeah, 'shit'............if when she asks you I find out you've been a dirty liar I'm gonna hire hit men to come kill you.....................trust me- I know people..............you better come up with some shit before she cuts you off completely.......... whatever...................bye Ethan."

I sat back down on the couch when she ended the phone call and she came out 5 minutes later. "Everything alright?" I asked as she came out looking like she'd just eaten a lemon.
"Yeah, fine." She smiled. My phone pinged just as Aaron knocked at the door. "I'll get it." Monica said, jumping up.

Buttplug🍑🔌: hey xxxxxx. Read.
Buttplug🍑🔌: you ok?xxxx Read.

I sighed as I put my phone down, getting up and seeing what Aaron brought. He had soooooo much food. He had chips and biscuits and lollies and sweets and chocolate and popcorn and vanilla ice cream!!! I straight up grabbed the ice cream, jumping onto the sofa and curling up. I bent across, grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around me.
"Someone's cosy." Aaron smirked as he sat next to me. I immediately leaned into him as Monica sat on the other side, resting her head in his lap. I felt like I was intruding on their moment so I sat up again as the film started.

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