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I woke up with a headache. I tried to roll over but then remembered. Turns out, it wasn't my hip like I thought. I had a broken ankle. But when they did the x-Ray, they said I had had a dislocated hip bone which is what popped back in when me and Ethan first did it.

"You're up?" Ethan shouted.
"Yes... Stop shouting."
"I'm not."
"Talk quieter then..." I moaned. I opened my eyes, the light blinding me.
"Oh, the doctor said your head is probably gonna hurt for today because you have a fractured nose, and they put it back. If you remember..." I flashed back to crushing Ethan's hand as the doctors cracked my nose back into place."and you're gonna have a pretty mean black eye." I could tell he was trying to make a joke out of it. I looked at him briefly and it looked like he was crying.
"Come." I said, pulling him onto the bed next to me. "Thank you for protecting me like that." He sniffed. I knew he was crying.
"I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I'm so stupid."
"It's really not Ethan."
"I know why did it. It was to protect me. I don't need protecting."
"You do baby. Everyone needs protecting." I said, stroking his hair.
"I'm so sorry."
"Don't be sorry. I'm just grateful my boyfriends such a hero. And tomorrow, I want to come to the gym with you, so you can make me strong like you."
"With your ankle?"
"Ok, 2 months... But still."
"Ok. Do you want anything to eat?"
"Nah, my mouth still hurts."
"I'm so sorry."
"It's good. Shit happens. I'm going to sleep now." I said, drifting off. I guess it was because I was all drugged up.

"Anna darling..." My eyes fluttered open. I felt a lot better. "Yes." I looked up to see Lisa. She sat down on Ethan's bed.
"How are you feeling?" She asked, feeling my forehead.
"A lot better actually, thank you."
"That's good. The others are eating and I wondered if you'd like to come down..."
"I'd love to actually. Could you um, pass me my crutches please. I just wanna go to the bathroom quickly." She got up, passing them to me.
"Go slow... It might be a shock if you get up too quickly." She helped me up and helped me to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and my hair, tying it up into a messy bun. I sprayed myself and went to the landing.

Lisa held my hand as I hopped downstairs. Every turned to the door as I clicked along with my crutches.
"Hey guys." I smiled. Everyone smiled back and I hopped over to Ethan. He helped me sit down and pushed me in, leaning my crutches against the wall.
"Sorry I ruined the holiday guys..." I half-smiled. I felt so guilty. Nobody went out today because they felt bad, leaving me at home.
"Hopefully we can all go to the mall tomorrow, and buy you a new phone." Grayson smiled. I shook my head, laughing. Everyone went back to eating and I tucked in as well. Lisa always makes such good food.

"Thank you so much, this is so nice." I gushed. I finished before everyone else. Once everyone finished, Ethan banged on the table.
"Ok. So I got Anna a little present. Because she's disabled..." Everyone chuckled. "Hit the lights Gray!"
Grayson got up quickly, turning the lights off. We all sat in silence awkwardly waiting... I snorted trying to hold my laughter in.
"I think this is it guys..." Clara whispered. Cameron started laughing.
"Uh...one moment guys." Ethan called from the kitchen. Lisa got up, to help him, I guess.
"Ok, he's coming." Lisa said and everyone hushed. He walked in with some sort of cake and candles.

"Aww Ethan. You're so sweet." He put it down in front of me.
"Make a wish." I made my wish.
"Help me blow them out." I said, finding his hand in the dark. I squeezed it as he counted down.
"3...2...1." We blew them out and everyone cheered. Gray turned the light back on and it was an ice cream cake. It said 'Get well soon Anna.'
I hugged his middle, seeing as he was standing and Lisa came in with a knife and some plates. She handed the knife to me and I gave it to Ethan. "You cut it." He rolled his eyes and cut the cake, handing it out.
"You should probably eat it before it melts everywhere. I'm going to put the box back in the freezer." Everyone tucked in .
"This is amazing. Why don't they have this in England?" Clara said.
"They don't?" Cameron said. Clara shook her head.

"Ok guys... So I thought we could watch a film. I thought maybe we could watch The Boy..." Clara cheered. Everyone laughed.
"I've got some homework to do. Don't miss me too much!" Cameron said, getting up.
"Have fun!" I called after her.

"Let's help tidy up then, and then we can watch the film." I stood up, piling the plates up.
"Hey, Clara. Take Anna to the sofa and get comfortable. These two can help me." She said pointing to Ethan and Grayson. They sighed as Clara helped me up.

We sat on the sofa and she took my crutches, putting them to one side. She got a blanket and covered me with it. "Where are you going?" I asked.
"I'm changing into some comfortable clothes."
"Ok." I smiled as she left.

She came back with the twins. Ethan sat next to me, lifting my legs up and putting them on his lap. Grayson sat next to Clara, pulling him into her and kissing her forehead.
"Are you gonna start the film then?" Clara asked.
"Oh yeah..." Ethan said pressing play.

He found my hand under the blanket and squeezed it comfortingly. About half way through the film, Lisa came in with more ice cream cake. Clara cheered, scoffing it down.

"Guys we're actually living the life... While other 17 year olds are doing boring things like getting drunk illegally and getting high, we're at home, eating ice cream cake and y'all better get ready with your sharpies tomorrow. I want my cast to be popping."
"Honey, this is the Dolan lifestyle..." Grayson laughed.
"If this is the Dolan lifestyle I've gotta zayn....after I've finished this." Clara joked. Everyone laughed and continued to watch the film.

When it was finished it was 9:45.
"I need to go to the toilet." I whispered to Ethan. Clara and Grayson were asleep on each other. He got my crutches and helped me up. When I got to the squares I started hopping up them. "Fuck this." Ethan said, picking me up and my crutches. I held onto his neck as he carried me upstairs. He took me to the toilet and put me down. I leant against the wall as he gave me my crutches.
"Do you need help, or are you ok?" He said, scratching the back of his neck.
"I'm fine babe. Thank you. Go and get Clay up."
"Did you just say Clay?" He started laughing. "What's our one?"
"Our names are hard.... We could have.... Ena or Athan."
"Athan." He said as he left the bathroom. "I'll be back in 2 minutes."

I did my business, and then hopped over to the sink. Once I washed my hands, I hopped back and nearly fell in the toilet. I hopped out of the bathroom and was nearly at the bed when my crutch got caught on Ethan's rug. I fell, forward onto my hands and knees. Luckily I didn't bang my bad foot.

Ethan and Clay ran up the stairs, bursting into his room as I was trying to get up. "What happened?" They said, all flustering around me as they helped me up.
"I just tripped, I'm fine." I rolled my eyes.
"Sure? You didn't like blackout or anything?" Ethan said, touching all over my face and looking at my arms and legs.
"Eth. I'm fine. Now let me sleep if we're going to the mall tomorrow." I sighed, hopping over to his bed. The other two left and Ethan looked upset.

He got a pillow out of his cupboard, throwing it on the floor. "Come on Ethan..." I said as I sat on his bed. He put a blanket on the floor. "Ethan... Come and lay with me..." He laid down on the floor, wrapping the blanket around him.
"So you're gonna sulk now?" I rolled my eyes. "Fine. You can stay at home and sulk tomorrow as well. Sulky Susan." I turned his bedside lamp off and got under the covers. The bed was colder without him.

I sighed loudly, turning over so I was facing the other way.

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