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"Is your mum outside?"
"Yeah, she said she couldn't find parking and that we should meet her outside."
"Ok." I said, looking around for Clara and Gray. They were trailing behind and looked they were having argument.

"Do you know what's up with Gray?" I asked Ethan.
He shrugged. He knew something. "Eth...." He sighed, putting his arm around me.
"He's just stressed, with YouTube and everything. So am I to be honest."
I rubbed his back. "You can tell me these things you know. I might be able to help..." He shrugged his shoulders again.

We stepped outside and it was more of a cool breeze, compared to LA. I saw Lisa in her car and I pointed to her. "Look, she's there!"
"Race ya." Ethan said, taking off.
"Ethan..." I moaned after him but I kind of jogged because it was still a race.

"Hi Lisa." I said, hugging her.
"Hi Anna! How are you?"
"I'm good thanks, you?"
"I'm great. Where's Grayson?"
"He should be coming with Clara..."
"How is she?"
"She's really sweet but..."
"What happened?"
"No, no. It's just Gray always seems stressed around her, like he has to reassure himself that he's good enough, y'know?"
Lisa shook her head."He's always stressing. Oh, look. They're coming!"

I got in the car with Ethan whilst Lisa spoke to the other two. "Thanks for putting my case in the back."
"It's alright." He said, resting his head on my shoulder.
"Aww, is my boy sleepy?"
"I'm your daddy." He whispered as he closed his eyes.
Grayson got in next to me and Clara sat in the front.

"You three need to wake up." Clara shouted. "Dinners ready."
I opened one eye. "Dinner?"
"Yeah, we've been back for an hour now. But you guys looked so cute, we didn't wanna disturb you."
I sat up straight, realising I'd been leaning on Gray and Eth was still leaning on me.
"Ethan." I said, shaking him.
"Get up. You're at home."
"We're." He corrected me. My heart melted.
"Baby..." I said, leaning over and kissing him. It was meant to be quick but he held onto my arms and it got deeper.

"Get a room." Grayson groaned.
"How bout, you get out and we'll have a car?" Ethan retorted, smirking.
"What's with the sexing in modes of transport?" Clara laughed. "Come on Gray." She laughed. He got out, holding her hand and pulling her into the house.

"Come on E. I wanna see your foetus bedroom." I giggled. I got out, starting to run.
"Wait. Anna." He said running after me.
I ran up the stairs and into the first room. Nope. I ran into the next one. Gray and Clara. Ew. I ran into the next one. Yep. Definitely. I locked the door just as he got to.

"Anna! Don't touch anything."
"Where's anything? I'll make sure not to touch it. I'll touch everything else though." I joked as I walked around.
His room was actually quite big. And tidy. For once. He started to bang on the door. "Anna. Please." He pleaded.
"What have you got to hide?" I asked.
"A lot. Anna..." He whined.
"What will you do if a open the door?" I shouted.
"What do you want me to do?" I could tell he was smirking.

I unlocked the door. He opened it, leaning against the doorframe with, yep. You guessed it. A smirk. I walked straight past him, rolling my eyes.

"Hey Lisa. Oh, hey. Cameron?"
"Hi. You must be Anna." She walked towards me, her arms open. I hugged her.
"You're so pretty, oh my." I said.
"Aww, thanks. So are you!" I shook my head.

"Do you guys need any help?" I smiled.
"Could you round up the troops please?"

I went to Gray and Clara. They were just talking for once, but it looked kinda serious.
"Um, foods ready."
"Ok thanks." Clara said, her voice wobbling.
I smiled sympathetically and went to Ethan's room. I opened the door. "Dinners ready babe."
"Ok. Wait, I'm coming." He said, jumping up. He walked behind me, his hand at the small of my back.

We sat down at the table, waiting for Gray and Clara.
"So Ethan. How have you been? Since..." His mum smiled.
"Good. It was just a wobble." I closed my eyes as Gray and Clara came downstairs.

I had to act like I was strong but seeing Ethan like that destroyed me and it still is. I tried to act like I was perfect but I really wasn't. I blinked and a tear escaped.

"Sorry, can I be excused." I felt everyone looking at me.
"Sure. I'll cover your food. Whenever your ready, come get it." Lisa said, smiling softly.

I got up, my hands shaking. I went to Ethan's room and sat on his bed. I got up, pacing. All I could think about was that night. All those tubes. The CPR. The paramedics. What if he had another 'wobble'?

I sat down, feeling light headed. My chest started to tighten and I couldn't control the tears. I heard someone coming up the stairs and hoped it was Ethan.
"Anna? You're ok. I've got you." He said pulling me into him. He stroked my hair as I focused on his heartbeat.

"Ethan...what happened. Seeing you like that broke my heart. I meant it when I said I can't live without you."
"I know. I know." He said, kissing my head over and over again. "You need to relax."
I nodded. "Let's go downstairs." I wiped my eyes and stood up.
"You sure? We can go later when everyone's gone."
I shook my head."I have to face them soon."

He pecked my lips and held my hand. I pulled back to the table and everyone looked up. "Sorry." Everyone looked at me like I was a homeless puppy. I sat down, tucking into my food.
"This is so good!" Everyone seemed to relax and continue eating and I felt Ethan rubbing my leg under the table.

After we helped clean up, I announced that I was tired. "I'm coming." Ethan said excitedly. I gave him a dirty look.
"Eth. I'm actually going to sleep." I whispered to him. He pouted.
"I'll lay with you then." I shrugged.
"Mkay then..."

We went to his room. I got one of his t-shirts and took mine off, taking my bra off and replacing it with Ethan's top. I took my pant and my underwear on, putting some of his boxers on and tying my hair up. I got into bed and realised he was staring at me. "Perv." I said making him realise he was staring at me. I went on my phone, texting Monica.

He took his shirt off and his sweatpants and boxers and put some pyjama bottoms on. "Why didn't you watch me." He pouted.
"I don't want to see your ugly ass. Literally." He turned over. "Nah, you actually have a better bum than me." He turned over, facing me as he smiled. I kissed him quickly and went back to my phone.

I was reading through my dms again, when I opened one from Meredith.

So, you're still with Ethan? You really are a stupid bitch. I hope he cheats on you so you realise how dumb you're being and you get pregnant so you're tied to him forever.

I started laughing hysterically. Who is this girl? She obviously still likes Ethan. I'm pretty sure she's like 20. What's she doing with her life.
"What's so funny?" He asked me.
"Read this." I said, giving him my phone. His eyebrows furrowed as he read. "I mean, the last part yeah..." I said, chuckling.
"Don't listen to her. She's saltier than Gray at the moment." He rolled his eyes as he got his phone out. He took a picture of me quickly as I laughed at what he said.
"Ethan!" I said as he started typing.
I got a notification than he posted on Instagram. "You did not!" He posted that ugly ass picture of me and captioned it;

This girl is my whole world and more. We won't let your saltine cracker ass come between us so do us a favour and leave us alone.x💋

"I like the lips." I smirked as he rolled his eyes. "Come on, let's sleep." I said, snuggling into him. He put his arm around me and we drifted off together.

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