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I got up, running to the toilet. I puked and sat back against the shower, wiping my mouth.
"Babe, you ok?" Ethan ran in, holding a bottle of water.
I shook my head. "It's probably just food poising, I was sick yesterday as well."
"Sure, call me if you need me." He left and I got up, my legs shaking. I didn't want to think about other possibilities, it was too early.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I got back into bed with Ethan, and snuggled into his bare chest.
"Don't worry."
"What?...........Tell meeee...." He whined.
"It's just... When was the last time we... Did it?"
He looked at me.
"You don't think..."
I shrugged.
"Do...Do you want me to get you some tests..."
"Yes please." I whispered. He got up, putting his jeans on and a top.

"I'll be back soon." He smiled, bending down and kissing me. I sighed as he left. I got up, getting in the shower. Somehow, I burst into tears. I don't know why. I got out and out on some jeans and a top. I sat at the table, crying. I have no clue why, I really don't. I must've been scared.

"Anna? What's wrong?" Gray said, coming up behind me.
"Nothing." I sniffed.
"Where's E?"
"He, um, went to the shop."
"Oh, how comes?"
"He, went to get some pregnancy tests."
"Oh... It'll be ok, Anna."
"I know, I'm just scared. For some reason..." He pulled me into a hug as I sniffed into his top.

"I'm ok Gray." I sighed as I pulled away.
"Ok then, you can talk to me if you want. I won't tell E if you don't want me to."
"Thank you." I smiled as I went back to Ethan's room. I wiped my eyes and put a bit of makeup on. I'm sure I was just overthinking it, I'm most probably not pregnant. I'm just being dramatic.

I went on my phone, answering some messages from fans and following people. I hit a million followers on Instagram which is shocking. I got lost in the amazing messages from Ethan and Grayson's fans but got brought back when Ethan came in, sitting next to me on the bed.
"I, um. Got a few. Just in case.... Just know that I'll always be here."
I hugged him.
"What...erm, result do you want?" He asked nervously.
"I don't know... I think it's too early.... There's a lot going on. I don't know. I'll be happy, and I don't regret anything but... It'll just be easier if it happened later on..." I closed my eyes, scared of his reaction.
"It's ok, I agree..." He rubbed my back as he passed me the bag. "Do you want me to come?"
I shook my head. "I'll call you..."
"We'll be ok Anna." He tilted my head up and kissed me. I immediately wanted to taste more of him and tangled my fingers in his hair as I deepened the kiss. He placed his hands on my hips as one of my hands went up his top. I stroked his abs as he softly pushed me away. "Anna..." He mumbled against my lips.
I pulled away. "Sorry..." I got up, going to the bathroom.

I looked into the mirror. I don't think I am. I peed on the sticks and put them on the side as I washed my hands. I debated on whether to call Ethan in. I thought about it for 10 minutes and decided to call him in in 5 minutes, when the thing would be ready.

I bit my nails as I paced. If I'm being honest, I don't want to be pregnant. I want to be finished with school and have a nice house, and be married to Ethan... The timer went off making me jump. I opened the door, going to find Ethan. He was sitting on the sofa with his head in his hands, his knee bouncing.

"Ethan." I whispered. He jumped up.
"Do you know?" I shook my head.
"I want you to be there..." He came to me, holding my hand and squeezing it. We walked to the bathroom and he closed the door, leaning against it.

I slowly looked at the tests. I looked at Ethan, him staring back at me. I could see in his eyes he was scared, they got wider when he looked up at me. I bit my lip, a tear slipping down my cheek. I shook my head and he breathed out a sigh of relief. He put his arms out and I hugged him.
"Are you ok?" He whispered.
"I'm relieved... No Jacob or Maia yet."
He chuckled and I laughed along with him.

"Ughhhh... I feel so stressed." I said as I picked up the sticks, putting them in the bin. He came up behind me, rubbing my shoulders and kissing me neck. "Later. Ethan."
"But you're stressed..." He whispered in my ear
"I'm going to see if Gray wants to go out..." I smiled as I left the bathroom, Ethan pouting.

"Hey Gray." I smiled. He looked at me, I could tell in his eyes he was asking me. I shook my head and he smiled.
"Hey, you ok?" I nodded.
"Do you wanna come out with us?"
"Sure, but I need to pick Clara up at 8 from the airport, so if we could get back at 6, that would be great."
"Don't worry, I'll take you. Let's go then!" I shouted as I put my shoes on. "Ethan!"
"Yeah, I'm coming..." He said, running out with his jumper half on.

"Let's get sushi!" Gray suggested.
Ethan cheered and I moaned. "You guys are so mean... You know I'm scared to try it."
"Come on, do it for me. You know I love it." I sighed as I stood up, getting my phone and my purse.
"Fine." I rolled my eyes and they both cheered as Ethan locked the door.

As we pulled up at the sushi place, I groaned. "Do I really have to?"
"YES!" They both said, making us all laugh. I got out and Ethan walked with me, putting his arm around me.
"Oh, I'm driving Gray to the airport to pick up Clara, if you're coming..."
"Yeah, I'll drive."
"No, I will." I rolled my eyes as we walked into the restaurant.

We sat down and Eth and Gray argued over what I should eat. When they finally decided, they ordered and the food came, 15 minutes later.

They sat there, staring at me as I picked one up with my inexperienced chop stick skills. I smelt and screwed my nose up. "It smells...fishy." They chuckled as I took a bite. I'm not gonna lie, it was quite nice. They looked at me as I showed no emotion on my face. I picked up another piece and they smiled.

Soon we were all finished and Gray had somehow managed to order drinks for us. As in, alcohol. I refused to drink any because I knew I would end up driving. Gray and Ethan however, I had to stop them and help them back to the car. They made so much noise and I was so embarrassed, I could feel my face going red as all these old couples raised their eyebrows at us as we stumbled out. I have no clue how Grayson managed to get the drinks, he must've chatted up the waitress.

I shook my head as I pushed them both into the back of the car and strapped them in, putting the child locks on the door, just in case.

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