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Hey everyone! Thanks for all the votes and making BBB so popular! Some exciting things are happening for this series, and I can't thank you guys enough for taking the time to read, comment, and vote! This coming of age love story in an urban setting is quickly climbing the charts!

To increase readability, Sophomore Year has been edited to fix grammatical errors and to trim some of the unnecessary fat, so to speak. Book 2 has already been posted and I am waiting to see what happens with the news I just got to launch book number three, but I will keep you all updated on how that goes :)

In the meantime, continue on Sidney's journey through, adolescence, love, school, and life. Where being young is hard, being in love is harder, and school and life only add to the chaos...

'This is the etymology of us; you placed your fingertips on my heart, and ignited something profound, and i looked at you, and caught glimpse of forever. This was the birth of us, but it was also the destruction. This is how we came to be...'

It's been seven long years since I've seen my family, and now I'm going home. I'll finally be able to see all the friends I left behind, if they're still in the neighborhood, and my siblings.

My brother Josh is the responsible one out of all of us. Being the firstborn and all. Emily, my older sister, she's the book smart one most likely to succeed in anything she does.

I would say I'm the rebel in the family, which I ain't even gonna lie, is the honest to God truth. I hate being told what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. Maybe that's why God saw fit I be born to the strictest human being alive. William. My dad.

Once I was old enough to act out, he thought putting me in an all-girls private school would straighten me out, but it didn't. As if boys were my problem back then. I didn't even like boys. In fact, I thought I was one.

My dad and mom were so frustrated with me when that didn't work that they sent me to boarding school where I had to get my act together real quick. Boarding school didn't offer me the same freedom public school did. It was more like joining the army or attending boot camp. You were up at five in the morning. Your room had to be clean. Your bed had to be made and each corner of the bed had to be tucked perfectly in a specific way. Their way. And they have secrets. Terrible secrets. Secrets I know better than to talk about.

It was pure hell, and it took me seven long years of good behavior to get out of there. I hated it, but most of all I resented my dad for sending me there. Now I know to choose my battles more wisely. Living under my dad's suffocating thumb is the lesser of two evils.

It wasn't like I was stealing cars or like I joined a gang or something though. My dad is just very controlling. An outspoken girl like me is not something he would ever tolerate. Like ever. Even my mom knew her role. She was careful never to speak out against him.

The only person who isn't afraid to go to bat for me is Josh. He used to get into it with my dad for how he treated me before I left, which landed him in trouble sometimes. To get away from it all, he considered enlisting in the Marines, but he didn't want to leave me. If he did, I would have no one to protect me and I'd be forced to comply or face my dad's wrath.

"Sidney, I don't want you getting into trouble at school are we clear?" The Warden asks. At least that's what I call him because he sucks the FUN out of EVERYTHING. There is always some rule to be followed, some unspoken code of common sense to be understood and some imaginary line NOT to be crossed.

Books, Boys, and BFF's: Sophomore YearWhere stories live. Discover now