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I couldn't do it. Quincy and I were supposed to go out, but I got scared and cancelled at the last minute. Instead, I spent the night with Drew at Xerxes' house, cuddling with him on the couch. We made out and watched movies together.

Part of me hopes Quincy will get the hint and go away, but he doesn't. The more I avoid him, the harder he pushes and with that comes more animosity between him and Drew.

At the same time, I keep waiting for things between Drew and I to go back to normal, but it hasn't, and I'm worried. Halloween is only a few days away and we have yet to talk about what we plan to wear. Hoping to kick-start things in the right direction, I convince Drew and Scott to go to the mall with Patrice and me. Don't even ask me how an outing between the four of us somehow turned into an outing with the entire boys' varsity basketball team, and their girlfriends. Apparently, they're all running on C.P. time in buying a costume too.

"I'm thinking King and Queen of the Nile," Patrice suggests to Scott.

"Whatever you want babe," he shrugs.

"Have you given any thought to your costume?" I ask Drew.

"Yeah, he's going as count Blacula," Xerxes jokes.

"Not bad. I'm sure I can find something to make a vampire costume out of."

"Sid, I'm taking Courtney to the dance." Drew tells me.

"Yeah, right." I scoff, rolling my eyes.

"I'm serious."

I meet his gaze and quickly realize he's serious. He can't be. I'm his girlfriend... his number one. There's no way he's taking Courtney to that dance.

"You're kidding me, right?"

"Do I look like I'm kidding?"

He didn't. I look around at his friends who smirk and snigger at my expense. Then I look to Patrice who seems to be just as in shock as I am when I meet her gaze. Turning my attention back to him, I say, "What do you mean you're going to the dance with Courtney? No, YOU'RE NOT."

"Look, me telling you is a courtesy. I'm not asking for your permission."

"We're supposed to go together, Drew."

"Since when?"

"Since that day in your hammock."

"I never said we were going together, you just assumed."

Crap... he's right. Still, I'm supposed to be his number one. That was the deal. "I'm your number one, right?"

"Yes, but that doesn't mean I have to go out with just you, Sid."

I was wondering when he'd get around to punishing me for agreeing to go out with Quincy, and this was it. This is my punishment. He's purposely plunging a knife in my heart just to watch me bleed out, and his friends all think it's funny. I'm a joke to them.

The worst part about it is this is what I signed up for. I can't say anything. He's free to do what he wants, with whoever he wants whether or not it hurts me. And I have no choice but to take it.

I hate him... I hate him... I hate him...

"Fine." I glare at him.

I don't bring the subject up again because my temper is already brewing beneath the surface. Drew and his friends move throughout the costume store, going through all the various costumes. Patrice and I make eye contact, and she drags me into one of the dressing rooms under the guise of trying something on. Tears swell in my eyes.

Books, Boys, and BFF's: Sophomore YearWhere stories live. Discover now