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When all efforts to talk myself out of losing my temper fail, I quickly climb to my feet determined to put my fist through her face, but Drew stops me. His strong arm grabs me by the waist and lift me off my feet. He pins me against a row of lockers, placing himself between the girl with the smirk on her face and me.

"Sid, don't."

"Oh wow, you mean you know me now. What happened to you?" I shove him away from me.

"Nothing happened to me. I just grew up."

"Since when does being a jerk signify growing up?" I reply, irritated.

"I don't mean to be, it's just that Courtney can be a little Glenn Close in fatal attraction if you know what I mean." He chuckles.

"So, that walking dead girls' name is Courtney?"

"Yes, Courtney Collier."

"Never heard of her."

"She's the Captain of the school's cheer squad." He informs me.

"Great, just what we need. Another lunatic cheermare with pom-poms and school spirit." I mock.

Drew laughs, and it reminds me of the times we would sit outside on the sidewalk for hours making mud pies and catching bugs. He had THEE worst jokes back then, and we'd both laugh at just how bad they were.

"Come on, I'll walk you to class since you're already on her hit list." He offers.

"I hear you're this star basketball player now." I roll my eyes. I've dribbled circles around this kid.

"Something like that, I guess. You know my dad and his dreams of me being in the NBA. He wants me to be just like him."

"Well, it seems like the apple definitely hasn't fallen far from the tree."

"What are you doing after school?" He asks.

"I was thinking about playing some basketball like I used to out front."

"Cool, I'll be there after practice."

"Are there any tryouts for the girls' basketball team?" I inquire.

"Depends," he raises a curious brow. "Can you still handle the ball?"

"I guess you'll just have to wait and see."

Drew walks me all the way to class and then heads to his own. As I make my way to my seat, I notice Courtney and two other girls I don't recognize sizing me up.

"Never mind them. Where have you been?" Asked Patrice, another friend I haven't seen since I left.


"Patrice!" I exclaim, throwing my arms around her.

"Oh wow, all I got was a hi Trisha." Trisha gripes.

"Oh, whatever you're both my girls." I reply, pulling them into a bear hug.

"What did you do to the cheerhater's? They're glaring at you?" Patrice asks.

"Nothing, I was talking to Drew and..."

"You were talking to Drew?" Patrice cuts me off like I've committed some crime.

"In front of them?" Trisha adds, "Oh wow."

"What's wrong with that?" I eye them both, confused by their reactions.

Books, Boys, and BFF's: Sophomore YearWhere stories live. Discover now