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H-O-L-Y C-R-A-P!

Why would he do something like that? He shouldn't have done that! Why is he trying to ruin my plans? You know... the one where I'm supposed to be the perfect daughter?

"I don't know what to say."

"Whatever you do, don't say no. I broke up with my girlfriend for you and I can't exactly go back and say I was just kidding." He chuckles nervously.

I look over at Em and Trisha who are just as shocked as I am. They both give me an approving nod. Why did he have to pick now to be so aggressive? I know I should say no and avoid trouble at all costs, but I can't seem to walk away from this. From him.

"Are you asking me or was that a statement?"

"I'm asking you," he laughs. There's a long pause. Folding my arms across my chest, I wait for him to get the hint. He shakes his head, but he gives me what I want. "Sidney, will you go out with me?"

"Yes." I nod. Good daughter... meet the window you just threw yourself out of, so bad daughter can take over. SIGH. The universe strikes again using the irresistible Drew Taylor as bait to lure me back over to the dark side.

"So, does this mean I can finally have your phone number?" Drew asks.

"Nope. You have to earn it." I tease.

Frowning, he cocks his head to the side with a confused look on his face, and says, "I'm your boyfriend but I have to earn your phone number. How does that work?"

"I don't know. Just be creative." I reply, purposely vague. I'm interested to see what he comes up with.

Eyeing me incredulously, he says, "You are the weirdest girl I've ever met. You know that?"

"Correction, I'm the best girlfriend you'll ever have."

Drew shakes his head at me again and walks me to our first period class. I keep expecting him to make this grand gesture, but he hasn't. Not yet anyway. And I'm eager to see what he comes up with.

My dad says that's how you can tell the difference between a guy that is the real deal and a guy who is just trying to get into your pants. He says the real deal will do whatever it takes. One good thing has happened though. I'm finally able to focus on my schoolwork now that Drew and I are together.

Together. Drew and I are together. Now what? I've never had a boyfriend before and quickly realize I have no clue what I'm supposed to do or how I'm supposed to act now. I only know one thing. I can never EVER give it up to Drew. Not now anyway. I don't even know how we will find time to date, let alone have time to get into that kind of trouble.

Still, I can hear my dad's voice now, 'Sid guys your age only wants one thing'. I mean, some stuff we talked about is true. Like the fact that most guys my age get caught up in the 'player mentality'. Drew is one of the few good ones our culture has left though. He doesn't wear baggy pants or have gold teeth in his mouth. I never understood that fashion trend. If you could even call it a trend... OR FASHION. Its stupid is what it is, and I've never understood it.

After first period, Drew walks me to my second period class. Having some time to kill, we linger in the hall waiting for the warning bell to sound, enjoying each other's company.

"What about flowers?" He asks.

"You suck at this," I laugh. "You can't cheat and ask me. You just have to do it."

Books, Boys, and BFF's: Sophomore YearWhere stories live. Discover now