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When Drew and I got back the next day, my dad lit into us both and banned Drew from seeing me for two weeks until he learns to respect my father's wishes. Drew agrees to the punishment, and we talk to each other over the phone, but the first week was hard. I couldn't wait to see him at school.

"Our project is due tomorrow, so we need to finish it tonight." I tell Quincy.

"Okay, but I have to be home to help my mom out so maybe we can do it there."

"I have to ask my dad."

"Or you can just come over. It shouldn't take that long."

If I call my dad, I risk him telling me no. Against my better judgment, I agree to meet him at his house and tell my dad I have to stay after school for a project. It's not entirely untrue.

"Fine. I'll meet you at home after school."

Now I need to figure out what to tell Drew. I end up telling him the truth, and he forbid me from going to Quincy's. After reassuring him I'd be on my best behavior, he finally agrees.

"So, when are we going to hangout?" Trisha asks.

"You're already hanging out about six months' worth." I tease.

"I'm serious, Sidney. Ever since you and Drew hooked up, I've been put on a back burner."

"You're not on a back burner, it's just that you're pregnant and I don't know what you can or can't do. Can you even see your feet?"

"I can... with a mirror," she jokes. "Help me do my registry and maybe we can have a girl's night."

"Yeah right, I can hear dad now... shut up in there and go to sleep." I mimic his voice.

"Your dad is actually not that bad, Sid. At least he didn't beat you up and kick you out," she replies sadly. "And you got to spend the night with Drew."

"Don't do the depressed thing on me. I get enough of that from Drew."

"What could Mr. Perfect possibly be depressed about?"

"His parents might get a divorce."

"No way!" She exclaims loudly.

"Girl, keep your voice down." I shush her.

"Why? Is it supposed to be a secret?"

"No, but the last thing I need is someone throwing that up in Drew's face because I said something about it. It's a sensitive subject for him and I don't need him getting mad at me." I explain. "We've been at each other's throats enough."

"My lips are sealed," she promises. "Speaking of the devil."

I follow Trisha's gaze over to Drew who's walking towards me. He looks really upset.


"My dad's moving out as we speak," he tells me, fighting back tears.

"Oh... Drew I'm so sorry."

"I need to get out of here, but I don't want to go alone."

In short, he needs an accomplice again...

"Where are you going to go?"

"I don't know. My Nana's."


"Right now."

"I can't skip school. My dad will kill me. Then we'll really be banned from seeing each other. Not to mention the fact that I have a class project to finish. I have to turn it in tomorrow."

Books, Boys, and BFF's: Sophomore YearWhere stories live. Discover now