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After the game, we all head to Tops Yogurt to celebrate. Yogurt is probably the last thing I should eat, but it's so good. I put kiwi, strawberries, caramel and almonds on mine. Everyone else treats themselves to more elaborate toppings that look equally delicious, but I'm not trying to make myself sick.

We take up all the seats outside and there aren't enough seats to go around. So, I sit on Quincy's lap. Every so often I catch Drew watching me from where he sits with Kim. I do my best to ignore him, but it's easier said than done.

Time flies while we're having a good time, being silly, laughing, and carrying on without a care in the world. Before I know it, it's time for me to go home, and I do my rounds to say goodbye to all of my friends.

"Why do you always have to go home so early?" Patrice pouts.

"Her dad keeps her on a tight leash." Drew snickers.

"He just wants what's best for me."

"When you turn eighteen, you're gonna go buck wild, and I better be the first person you call," his lips curl up in a crooked smile.

I blush.

"By then she won't even remember your name." Quincy shuts him down.

Several of Drew and Quincy's teammates exchange glances, and then they burst into laughter, but Drew seemsunfazed. Amused is more like it. He cocks his head to the side and smiles.

"Oh, I get it," Drew laughs. "She finally gave you the time of day and now you think you have a real chance. That's adorable, man."

"Whatever you and Sidney had is over."

"Is it?"

Quincy motions for me to tell him and I freeze. I like Quincy, but I'm not ready to throw in the towel on my relationship with Drew yet. Hence why I haven't broken things off with him. Not that there's even anything there between Drew and I anymore. I just... I'm not ready to close that chapter of my life, and now I'm being put on the spot.

I shake my head at Quincy, and he reels back. I've been stalling this whole time and now he knows it. He and Drew stare each other down for a moment before I pull Quincy over to his car. I need to get home before I break curfew.

Once we're in his car, I can feel the irritation coming off of him. I want to explain, but every time I try to speak thewords die in my throat. There's no easy way to apologize to him.

"You don't want to end your relationship with Drew, do you?"

"Do you want the truth?"

"Of course." He glances over at me.

"I'm not ready to."

Quincy sighs and shakes his head. "You barely even talk to him anymore because he spends all of his time with Kim. Why wouldn't you want to break up with him?"

"I know it sounds stupid and cliché, but I'm still in love with him. He's a jerk, and he doesn't deserve me, but I still love him."

"You're right, it sounds stupid. Sid, he's slept with damn near every girl on campus except for you."

"Look, I don't expect you to understand it. I don't even understand it myself, but I'm not ready to end things with Drew."

"So, all that talk about not distracting him from his game, what was that? Was that all just talk?"

"No. I thought I could do it, but I can't."

"Then maybe we should cool it for a bit. I'm not trying to be your fool."

Books, Boys, and BFF's: Sophomore YearKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat