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I give Drew his space like everyone suggests. It helps that he's been absent from school for an entire week but waiting to see him to find out if we're still okay is gut wrenching. My stomach is in knots and there is a never ending pain in my chest where my heart resides.

Finally, when I pull into my parking space at school, I see Drew's car there. He's smiling and talking to friends when I approach him, but as soon as he sees me his smile quickly fades.

"Can we talk?" I ask.

He stares at me like I'm a disease. Sensing the tension between us, his friends leave to give us some privacy.

"Calling my grandma Bert is not going to save our relationship, Sidney. You shouldn't have done that."

"I was desperate. I couldn't talk to you and I needed to..."

"To what? Were you hoping she'd talk me into staying with you? Because if so, you wasted your time and hers." He snaps at me.

"You're punishing me for something that isn't my fault." I argue.

"So, if a girl kisses me and I don't push her away it's not my fault either, right?"

"Okay, maybe I didn't react quickly enough and maybe I was in shock for too long, but I didn't enjoy it," I tryreasoning with him. "And I didn't ask him to kiss me."

"You did something to make him think it was okay."

"I didn't. I swear."

"Save it, okay. I'm done."

My heart clenches. He's not listening to a word I say. "I'm telling you the truth?"

"You don't get to make a fool out of me and then expect me to stay, Sidney."

"I didn't betray you, Drew."

"Right." He nods and walks away from me.

I want to stop him, but I know it won't make a difference what I say. Once he puts his mind to something, that's it. And right now, he's done.

I head to class but can't stop thinking about how hurt Drew looked. He finally let me in and now that part of him is closed off to me once again. I would never do anything to hurt him, and I know how much my being there for him meantto him. Quincy had no right to take that away from him. From me. And now his sister needs tutoring again. I have half a mind to let her flunk, but that would only make me just as petty as he is.


Without Drew, nothing seems right anymore. Holding a ball, my academics, and being here no longer appeals to me. My grades began to slip for a second time and my teachers are worried about me. They reach out to my parents who sit me down and tell me to basically suck it up and get focused or else. It's easier said than done. Drew invades every part of my life.


I've tried texting, calling, and apologizing to him repeatedly, but it doesn't matter. He's done.

When my grades don't come back up, dad blames it on the fact that he allowed me to date. He gets into an argument with mom about it, who tries explaining to him I'm just heartbroken, not disobedient, and eventually dad has the Taylor's come over for a sit down. I'm not sure what good it will do, but I'm hoping Drew will at least talk to me now.

"Now is the time for you to say everything you have to say to one another and fix this. Your basketball career is suffering, and now, so is Sidney's grades. I'm not asking the two of you to be friends or to get back together but I expect that once you leave this table everything will go back to normal, am I clear?" My dad addresses us both.

Books, Boys, and BFF's: Sophomore YearWhere stories live. Discover now